What is gRPC?
- Remote procedure call
- Built on top of HTTP 2.0
- Supports streaming of data
Why gRPC?
- Efficiency serialization/deserialization over JSON
HTTP 1.0
- opens a TCP connection for every request
- plaintext headers (bigger latency for each call)
HTTP 2.0
- one TCP connection
- server push
- multiplexing
- headers/data compressed to binary
- SSL connection required by default
Types of API
- Unary
- Server streaming
- Client streaming
- Bi-directional streaming
protoc -Igreet/proto --go_out=. --go_opt=module=github.com/tuvo1106/grpc_master_class --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=module=github.com/tuvo1106/grpc_master_class greet/proto/dummy.proto
alternatively, make greet
- find missing packages
go mod tidy
Generate SSL certs:
chmod +x ssl.sh