
This repository demonstrates how to run Appium tests using WebdriverIO on BrowserStack App Automate.

Code samples to get started with Appium tests for your Native App using WebdriverIO.



  • Node.js 8.11.2+
    • If you don't have Node installed, download it from here

Install the dependencies

For Android tests, run the following command in project's base directory :

cd android
npm i


For dependencies for iOS tests, run following command in project's base directory :

cd ios
npm i

Getting Started

Getting Started with Appium tests using WebdriverIO on BrowserStack couldn't be easier!

Run first test:

Speed up test execution with parallel testing :

Use Local testing for apps that access resources hosted in development or testing environments :

Note: For other test frameworks supported by App-Automate refer our Developer documentation

Getting Help

If you are running into any issues or have any queries, please check Browserstack Support page or get in touch with us.