
Discord VPN DDoS Attack Alerts

Primary LanguageShell

Discord DDoS Notification

[D]DoS Notifications sent to your Discord Server from your Dedicated Server, VPS or Discord Bot.

This script sends a notification to discord using a webhook when a DDos attack is detected on your Dedicated Server or VPS server. It was written in ShellScript so it will work with linux execution environments.

How to start using script

Step 1. Head over to Discord and create a new webhook in a server and channel of your choice.

Step 2. Download the discordalerts.sh and discord.service. You can edit any lines in discordalerts.sh such as the Alert message, Location or host to your liking then save your changes.

Step 3. Use an FTP client to place discordalerts.sh into /root and place discord.service into /etc/systemd/system.

Commands to run in your SSH terminal

Step 4. Open your SSH terminal and run the following commands.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install tcpdump -y

sudo apt-get install dos2unix -y

sudo apt-get install curl -y

sudo apt-get install screen -y

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl start discord

systemctl enable discord

service discord start && service discord status


Discord Preview

alt tag

Guilded Preview

alt tag

If you need help add my new on Discord GunGameOG#9082 For DDoS Protected VPN you can use the same hosting as me.

https://billing.galaxygate.net/aff.php?aff=179 Or https://galaxygate.net
