Keystone.js based application for bootstrapping a pledging campaign for Earth quake relief in Nepal.
Starting without Docker
- Make sure you have Mongo installed. If its not on the same server, set the MONGO_URI environment variable.
- Run the following:
npm install
node keystone.js
Starting with Docker
- Install Docker and docker-compose
- In Dockerfile, edit MONGO_URI to expected URI. Usually setting the IP to the Host IP works.
- Run the following being in the parent directory:
docker-compose up
Once the app is running, open it in your browser. (http://localhost:3000) . Click 'Sign In' on top left or go to http://localhost:3000/keystone . Use 'admin@example.com' for email and 'admin' for password. Use the admin page to manage users, change admin password etc.
You can also manage your campaign contents from here.
- See gulpfile.js