
Primary LanguagePython

## Requirements:

To run the game you need:

* Python >= 3.5
* pygame >= 1.9.2b6

Python 3.5+ should be installed in any relatively recent Linux distribution.
To install pygame for python3 you may try using pip3:
    sudo pip3 install pygame

## Agent Class naming:

The student agent class must be defined in a file with the same name in
lowercase.  For example:

    File: studentagent.py
    class StudentAgent(Agent):

## How to configure a remote (upstream) repository in git:

You probably created your own git repository to manage your project
(this is recommended).
Then, it's a good idea to configure the original professors repository 
as a remote (upstream) repository.
This will allow you to fetch any changes made in the upstream and merge them
into your branch.
To configure the remote repository, go to your local project and:

    git remote add upstream https://code.ua.pt/git/tpg-ia-iia-longlife

More info in: https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-remote-for-a-fork/

Now, whenever you need to incorporate changes made upstream, do:

    git fetch upstream
    git checkout master         # (or another branch, if you defined any)
    git merge upstream/master

More info in: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/