
Lua 5.3 Bindings for Newt Library

Primary LanguageC


Newt bindings library for Lua 5.3

This is a simple newt binding library for lua 5.3.

This Library was first forked from luanewt by DavidFeng.. Later, it was forked by me..

It has being tested in Devuan Beowulf, and Devuan Chimaera,now using libnewt0.52.21


  • Add compile install facilities( almost done.. )
  • Test functionalities( wip )..
  • continue refactoring code( wip )
  • complete the empty binding functions( wip )
  • improve the Lua api
  • add documentation with LDoc


1. Install Dependencies.
  • Install Automatically( method A.1,A.2 in 'Install' section bellow )
    apt-get install lua5.3 lua5.3-dev libnewt-dev gcc make
    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/lua lua /usr/bin/lua5.3 1
    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/luac luac /usr/bin/luac5.3 1
    apt-get install luarocks
  • Install Manually( method B.1,B.2, in 'Install' section bellow )
    apt-get install lua5.3 lua5.3-dev libnewt-dev gcc make
    You can also add git, to download the code..

Install or Remove

2 independent Build Options: Automatic, Manual.

A. Using Luarocks
  1. Install from master( last code, but more prone to errors.. )
    • luarocks build https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tuxd3v/lnewt/master/lnewt-master-0.rockspec
    • find /usr/local/lib/luarocks -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
  2. Remove using LuaRocks
    • luarocks remove lnewt
B. Compile/Install/Remove manually, using make ( need to download first the code ie: with git, by browser).
  1. Compile
    • make
      make all
  2. Install
    • make install
  3. Clean local Objects
    • make clean
  4. Remove the downloaded code..
    • Not yet implemented..
  5. Remove lnewt
    • Not yet implemented..