
:video_game: Connect to IRC to send inputs to any program, Twitch Plays Pokemon style. (Windows, Linux, OSX)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Odysee Plays X

(inspired by TwitchPlaysPokemon)

Connect to Odysee websocket and sends inputs to a program and stream it, TwitchPlaysPokemon style. Should support linux/windows/mac.

In Action

Pokemon on Windows

Pokemon Red running in a Ubuntu 13.10 VM


On Windows, the program has to be focused in order to send keyboard inputs so you won't be able to use your computer at the same time (unless you run the program in a virtual machine).

On linux I could not get the inputs to forward to the selected window with xdotool, so it had to be active. You can see if it works for you by uncommenting the xdotool command in server.js and commenting out the other one.


  • Install Node.js (check that you can run node/npm)
  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/tuxfoo/OdyseePlaysX
  • Install node_modules in the created folder: npm install
  • If Linux: install xdotool: apt-get install xdotool
  • If Windows: install python and python win32 (with corresponding versions)


  • Start the program you are going to be sending keys to: (VisualBoyAdvance, Notepad)
  • Append environment variables or modify config.js if you need to change the options: CLAIM_ID=claimidhere npm start
  • Run the server with npm start


  • change the claim id in the websocket URL in server.js
  • change the program name in config.js


https://github.com/hzoo/ChatPlays/ used MutationObservers in the browser

Using IRC lets you get all the messages; you can't always get all messages through the browser (quickly or consistently) so this is a better approach overall as others have done.


  • Connect to IRC
  • Use regex to match for certain commands
  • Print out username/message
  • Hook up to a program/emulator
    • if on windows: probably uses the win32 api (window has to take focus)
    • otherwise: xdotool
  • Stream it with OBS


Feel free to give suggestions or report bugs!