
One-click to configured commitizen(一键配置commitizen)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A better commitizen practice And one-click to configured commitizen.


It takes several steps to configure commitizen before,for example, commitizen needs to be initialized first and choice commitizen adapter,then you need to install commitlint,finally, you may need husky to configure git hooks。

Now, it only takes two steps to finish the above work and make everything easier.

Getting started

1. Install cz-relax in the workspace

npm install cz-relax --save-dev
// or
yarn add cz-relax --dev

2. Initialize

npx cz-relax init

If you are using chinese:

npx cz-relax init --language zh

If you are using yarn:

npx cz-relax init --yarn

It's simple,then you can perform normal git commit.At this time, commitizen takes effect.


Usage: cz-relax [options]


  • -V, --version: output the version number
  • -f, --force: For commitizen while a previous adapter and husky is already configured. Use --force to override
  • --yarn: use yarn manage package
  • -l, --language <type>: need to set a profile type (choices: "zh", "en", default: "zh")
  • -a, --adapter <npmName>: need to set a adapter npm name (default: "cz-git")
  • -h, --help: display help for command


Example call:

  $ cz-relax init
  $ cz-relax init --force
  $ cz-relax init --yarn
  $ cz-relax init --language zh
  $ cz-relax init --language en --force
  $ cz-relax init --language zh --force --adapter cz-conventional-changelog


Why is it prompted to use --force during initialize?

For commitizen while a previous adapter and husky is already configured. Use --force to override. For example:

npx cz-relax init --force

Why report an error: Error: no test specified ?

Because, husky initialized by husky-init, it add pre-commit sample: set('.husky/pre-commit', 'npm test'). If you have a test command in package.json,please check how test work.

What commitizen adapter is used default for initialization?

The cz-relax default adapter used fro initialize is cz-git.

You can also use other adapters, for example, cz-conventional-changelog. However, you need to create your own configuration file for commitizen. I will improve it in the furture.