install gulp: npm install -g gulp
install bower: npm install -g bower
install yeoman: npm install -g yo
1, npm install
2, bower install
3-1, gulp build // will use relative path in html
3-2, gulp build --webroot /ald-web //
3-3, gulp build --webroot / //
4, gulp server
modify boostrap font path in:
open: variables.less
@icon-font-path: "../fonts/"
@icon-font-path: "../static/"
##questions 1) jit-grunt: Plugin for the "karma" task not found. npm install grunt-karma --save-dev
2) add sass support
a) install ruby and add to PATH
b) install compass:
gem install compass
3) add imagemin support
a) add: "jpegtran-bin": "0.2.0", to package.json
b) npm remove grunt-contrib-imagemin
npm install || npm install jpegtran-bin, npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin
a) install ImageMagick
b) npm install -g jpegtran-bin
c) npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin