
Apache Kafka 0.8+ client for Erlang

Primary LanguageErlangBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Apache Kafka 0.8+ protocol for Erlang


This is a very early implementation and provides only some of the basic features of the Kafka protocol:

  • synchronous and asynchronous requests;
  • produce - posting data to the Kafka;
  • fetch - consuming data from the Kafka;
  • offsets - lookup available offsets for particular topic and partition;
  • metadata - lookup available Kafka nodes and topics;
  • offset commit - save consumer current position;
  • offset fetch - retrieve consumer position from Kafka.

The goal of the project is to provide comprehensive Erlang bindings to the Apache Kafka protocol as is, without any client-side extensions. So, you should keep [Apache Kafka protocol description] (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol) page open when you use the library. As advantage of such approach:

  • the library can be easily extended with support of new request/response types without any changes in the API;
  • the code required to add support of a new request/response is extremely small. For example, here is the code from kafka_api module which add support for OffsetCommit request/response API:
req_payload(?OffsetCommit, 0 = _ApiVersion) ->
       [string, %% group_id
        ?ArrayOf( %% topics
              [string, %% topic_name
               ?ArrayOf( %% partitions
                     [int32, %% partition_id
                      int64, %% offset
                      string %% metadata
resp_payload(?OffsetCommit, 0 = _ApiVersion) ->
    ?ArrayOf( %% responses
          [string, %% topic_name
           ?ArrayOf( %% partition_responses
                 [int32, %% partition_id
                  int16 %% error_code

So, if you looking for high level client library with bells and whistles, you should better use:

  • ekaf - Kafka producer library with buffering, batch send and other convenient features.
  • brod - Kafka client which provide nice Erlang MFAs to make several commonly used Kafka requests.

But if you want to build you own logic based on bare Apache Kafka protocol - you are on the right way.


BSD two-clause license.


Start Kafka client as linked process:

Host = "",
Port = 9092,
{ok, Socket} = kafka_socket:start_link(Host, Port, []),

The example code snippet above will crash on connection error. There is a special option for kafka_socket:start_link/3 function which make the process to behave more stable in case of network failures:

{ok, Socket} = kafka_socket:start_link("", 9092, [reconnect]),

In this case the process will not terminate until kafka_socket:close/1 will be called and will try to continuously reconnect to the broker if first connection attempt was failed or when already established connection closed for some reason.

Request metadata from the broker:

case kafka_socket:sync(Socket,
                       _ApiKey = 3,
                       _ApiVersion = 0,
                       _ClientID = "my-client",
                       _MetadataRequest = [],
                       _SockReadTimeout = infinity) of
    {ok, {Brokers, Topics} = _Metadata} ->
        [... || {BrokerID, Host, Port} <- Brokers],
        [... || {TopicErrorCode, TopicName, Partitions} <- Topics,
                {PartitionErrorCode, PartitionID, LeaderBrokerID,
                 ReplicaBrokerIDs, InSyncReplicaBrokerIDs} <- Partitions],
    {error, Reason} ->

or use an existing bootstrap wrapper which will connect, make a metadata request and disconnect:

case kafka:metadata(_Host = "", _Port = 9092) of
    {ok, Brokers, Topics} ->
        [... || {BrokerID, Host, Port} <- Brokers],
        [... || {TopicErrorCode, TopicName, Partitions} <- Topics,
                {PartitionErrorCode, PartitionID, LeaderBrokerID,
                 ReplicaBrokerIDs, InSyncReplicaBrokerIDs} <- Partitions],
    {error, Reason} ->

Make a produce request:

Topics =
    [{_TopicName = "my-topic",
      _Partitions =
          [{_PartitionID = 0,
            _MessageSet =
                [{_AutoOffset = -1,
                  _Message =
                      {_MagicByte = 1,
                       _Attributes = 0,
                       _Key = <<"k2">>,
                       _Value = <<"v2">>}}]}]}],
ProduceRequest = {_AckAfterLocalWrite = 1, _TimeoutMillis = 1000, Topics},
case kafka_socket:sync(Socket,
                       _ApiKey = 3,
                       _ApiVersion = 0,
                       _ClientID = "my-client",
                       _SockReadTimeout = infinity) of
    {ok, [{_TopicName, Partitions}]} ->
        [... || {PartitionID, ErrorCode, BaseOffset} <- Partitions],
    {error, Reason} ->

Make an asynchronous produce request:

Topics =
    [{_TopicName = "my-topic",
      _Partitions =
          [{_PartitionID = 0,
            _MessageSet =
                [{_AutoOffset = -1,
                  _Message =
                      {_MagicByte = 1,
                       _Attributes = 0,
                       _Key = <<"k2">>,
                       _Value = <<"v2">>}}]}]}],
ProduceRequest = {_NoAcknowledge = 0, _TimeoutMillis = 1000, Topics},
case kafka_socket:async(Socket,
                        _ApiKey = 3,
                        _ApiVersion = 0,
                        _ClientID = "my-client",
                        ProduceRequest) of
    ok ->
    {error, Reason} ->

Make a fetch (consume) request:

Topics =
    [{_TopicName = "my-topic",
      _Partitions = [{_PartitionID = 0,
                      _FetchOffset = 0,
                      _MaxBytes = 1024}]}],
FetchRequest = {_ReplicaID = -1, _MaxWaitTimeMillis = 1000, _MinBytes = 1, Topics},
case kafka_socket:sync(Socket,
                       _ApiKey = 1,
                       _ApiVersion = 0,
                       _ClientID = "my-client",
                       _SockReadTimeout = infinity) of
    {ok, TopicReplies} ->
        [... || {TopicName, Partitions} <- TopicReplies,
                {PartitionID, ErrorCode, HighWatermark, MessageSet} <- Partitions,
                {Offset, {MagicByte, Attrs, Key, Value}} <- MessageSet],
    {error, Reason} ->

Make an offsets request:

OffsetsRequest =
    {_ReplicaID = -1,
     _Topics = [{_TopicName = "my-topic",
                 _Partitions = [{_PartitionID = 0,
                                 _Timestamp = -1, %% special value means 'latest offset'
                                 _MaxNumOffsets = 1}]}]},
case kafka_socket:sync(Socket,
                       _ApiKey = 2,
                       _ApiVersion = 0,
                       _ClientID = "my-client",
                       _SockReadTimeout = infinity) of
    {ok, TopicReplies} ->
        [... || {TopicName, Partitions} <- TopicReplies,
                {PartitionID, ErrorCode, Offsets} <- Partitions,
                Offset <- Offsets],
    {error, Reason} ->

Make an offset commit request:

OffsetCommitRequest =
    {_GroupID = "my-consumer-id",
     _Topics = [{_TopicName = "my-topic",
                 _Partitions = [{_PartitionID = 0,
                                 _Offset = 1234,
                                 _Metadata = "any data"}]}]},
case kafka_socket:sync(Socket,
                       _ApiKey = 8,
                       _ApiVersion = 0,
                       _ClientID = "my-client",
                       _SockReadTimeout = infinity) of
    {ok, TopicReplies} ->
        [... || {TopicName, Partitions} <- TopicReplies,
                {PartitionID, ErrorCode} <- Partitions],
    {error, Reason} ->

Make an offset fetch request:

OffsetFetchRequest =
    {_GroupID = "my-consumer-id",
     _Topics = [{_TopicName = "my-topic",
                 _Partitions = [0, 1, 2]}]},
case kafka_socket:sync(Socket,
                       _ApiKey = 9,
                       _ApiVersion = 0,
                       _ClientID = "my-client",
                       _SockReadTimeout = infinity) of
    {ok, TopicReplies} ->
        [... || {TopicName, Partitions} <- TopicReplies,
                {PartitionID, Offset, Metadata, ErrorCode} <- Partitions],
    {error, Reason} ->

Build dependencies

  • GNU Make;
  • Erlang OTP;
  • erlang-dev, erlang-tools (only when they are not provided with the Erlang OTP, e.g. in Debian);
  • erlang-edoc (optional, needed to generate HTML docs);
  • erlang-dialyzer (optional, needed to run the Dialyzer).

Runtime dependencies

  • Erlang OTP.


make compile

Generate an HTML documentation for the code

make html

Dialyze the code

make dialyze


  • implement message set compression;
  • add codec specs for most of Apache Kafka request/response pairs.