
Zloca Library for Erlang

Primary LanguageErlangBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Zloca Erlang Library

Zloca is an acronym for Zero Latency On update CAche.

Briefly Zloca is a kind of memoization but with time to live set for each separate item.

The main difference is the memoization is for pure functions, but the Zloca is intended to use with functions with side effects.

See example below for more usage details.


Instead of thousands of words...

%% Suppose there is some KV storage which takes much time to lookup,
%% say ETS table which sleeps 1 second on each lookup.
my_dumb_ets = ets:new(my_dumb_ets, [named_table]),
%% Now create a function which will emulate these long lookups:
DumbLookup =
    fun(Key) ->
        ok = timer:sleep(1000),
        [{_, Value}] = ets:lookup(my_dumb_ets, Key),
%% Now create a special Zloca process, which will cache the
%% values obtained by the DumbLookup function:
BackendFun =
    fun(Key) ->
        Value = DumbLookup(Key),
        %% Note the format of the returned value. The third
        %% element is a TTL (in seconds) and can be 'infinity'.
        %% When the third element (TTL) is not present,
        %% 'infinity' is meant.
        {ok, Value, _TTL = 2}
{ok, _} = zloca:start_link(ZlocaName = my_zloca, BackendFun),
%% Now we are ready to use Zloca. First of all, feed some data in
%% the our dumb ETS table:
true = ets:insert(my_dumb_ets, {k1, v1}),
%% Now ask the Zloca process for the value of the 'k1' key:
v1 = zloca:get(ZlocaName, k1),
%% The call takes near 1 second to return because the value was not
%% cached yet in the Zloca cache. But from the moment any consequent
%% call for the 'k1' will be returned almost immediately (because
%% there is only one ETS lookup under the hood).
%% Now we change the contents of the ETS table:
true = ets:insert(my_dumb_ets, {k1, v2}),
%% If we try to immediately ask the Zloca for the 'k1' again, it will
%% probably answer with old value 'v1', but when we ask the same
%% after TTL seconds (as returns our BackendFun), the Zloca will
%% have enough time to reread the value from the our dumb ETS and
%% will return from the zloca:get/2 function the brand new value 'v2'
%% without any delay.
ok = timer:sleep(2000),
%% Try it now! It is really fast!
v2 = zloca:get(ZlocaName, k1),

So, for example, if the BackendFun will return only values with TTL = 'infinity', the Zloca will behave as a simple memoization library, because the DumbLookup function will be called only once for each key.


Zloca uses the FreeBSD License. You can obtain the license online or in a file LICENSE on the top of the Zloca source tree.


Runtime dependencies: nothing just Erlang OTP.

Build dependencies:

  • GNU Make;
  • Erlang OTP;
  • erlang-tools (namely Erlang make tool);
  • erlang-edoc (only for HTML docs generation, see below);
  • erlang-eunit (only for unit testing);
  • erlang-dialyzer (only for tests with a Dialyzer).


To build the Erlang application (into the ebin subdir):

$ make compile

To generate Erlang docs from the code (into the doc subdir):

$ make html

To run a unit tests:

make eunit

To run a dialyzer tests:

$ make dialyze

Aleksey Morarash aleksey.morarash@gmail.com, 2014