CVE-2018-11776 Docker container and POC exploit written in Go

You can build your own image and run it:

docker build . -t your_image_name
docker container run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 your_image_name

Or you just can pull the one I created with love for you:

docker container run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 tuxotron/cve-2018-11776

Vulnerable application running on port 8080

To try the exploit you will need Go in your system. The systax is:

exploit-cve-2018-11776 URL COMMAND

For instance, you can run something like:

go run exploit-cve-2018-11776.go http://localhost:8080 "id"

This should output the id command result.

The exploit is a port to Go from the one written in python from this repository

Have fun!