= Introduction = Please visit the following websites where you can find more information: Bad-Behavior http://www.bad-behavior.ioerror.us/ Plugin cpg-badbehavior http://code.google.com/p/cpg-dnsbl/ = Contact = Author: Mario Salgado Oyorzabal Blog: http://blog.tuxsoul.com E-mail: <tuxsoul@tuxsoul.com> = Bugs = If you find any bugs or have any idea for a feature that you it can be useful to this Plugin, you can leave it in the bugtrack: http://code.google.com/p/cpg-dnsbl/issues/list = License = GNU General Public License v2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html = Requirements = * Coppermine Gallery 1.4 + * PHP4 + = Features = * Ability to use Bad-Behavior in Coppermine Gallery as Plugin * Remove unwanted visit (Bots, Spammers, etc..). = Details = * First download and uncompress this plugin in any directory * Using an FTP client upload folder "cpg-badbehavior" in the directory Plugins, your photo gallery made with Coppermine Gallery * Using your favorite browser, go to your photo gallery, enter as Administrator * Verify that the configuration of this gallery you have enabled "Enable Plugins" option * Go to the manager Plugins: "pluginmgr.php" Ex. http://www.example.com/pluginmgr.php http://www.example.com/cpg/pluginmgr.php * On the screen and should appear this Plugin "cpg-badbehavior" * Install the plugin, by clicking the letter "i", which is located to one side Right Lastly and can only wait to block the spammer's coming to you Website. = Repository's = SVN: http://code.google.com/p/cpg-dnsbl/source/checkout Git: http://github.com/tuxsoul/cpg-badbehavior/ http://github.com/tuxsoul/cpg-httpbl/ = Donation = Please consider helping through donations, for more information visit the following link: Donation http://pledgie.org/campaigns/1537 Plugin cpg-badbehavior http://code.google.com/p/cpg-dnsbl/ Cheers :-).
bad-behavior for coppermine gallery ... Moved to https://gitlab.com/tuxsoul/cpg-badbehavior