
Kobsidian backup is a command executor and file uploader written in Kotlin, originally is aimed to receive backup parameters from config files and/or CLI arguments.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

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Kobsidian Backup

Kobsidian backup is a backup command executor and file uploader written in Kotlin. It is aimed to receive backup parameters from config files and/or cli arguments to fire backups from native tools and upload these backups to http destinations.

The current implementation supports backing from

  • PostgreSQL

And uploads backups to

  • Dropbox

Technical details

Project configuration produces two targets:

  1. Jar without dependencies (aimed for tight integration with systems)
  2. Self contained Native Image (executable on Linux)

The project uses the following tools/libraries

  • GraalVM CE 20.1.0
  • Kotlin 1.3.72
  • PicoCLI 4.3.2
  • DropboxSDK 3.1.3


To build this project you need a GraalVM CE installation with Native Image and JAVA_HOME pointing to it.

You could execute the following goal to obtain the jar version:

mvn -B clean package

And the following goal to obtain the Native Image version (tested on Linux and MacOS) with an RPM installer

mvn -B clean verify

Minimal configuration

Currently kobsidian offers the following arguments/configuration properties:

  • Argument: --database/Property: database.name - Database name/instance to be backuped (mandatory)
  • Argument: --user/Property: database.user - Database user with dump execution privileges
  • Argument: --password/Property: database.password - Database password for the given user, interactive argument
  • Argument: --target/Property: backup.folder - Local filesystem folder where backup will be saved (mandatory)
  • Argument: --backup-prefix/Property: backup.prefix - Custom filename prefix for backup files
  • Argument: --dropbox-key/Property: dropbox.key - Dropbox App Key for backups upload (mandatory)
  • Argument: --dropbox-secret/Property: dropbox.user - Dropbox App Secret for backups upload (mandatory)
  • Argument: --dropbox-authorization/Property: dropbox.auth - Dropbox App authorization token (retrieved by a server auth flux in Drobpox), (mandatory for uploads)

As always, you could check command help:

$ kobsidian-backup -h
Usage: kobsidian-backup [-hV] [-p[=DATABASE PASSWORD]] [-b=DROPBOX USER]
                        [-d=DATABASE NAME] [-k=DROPBOX KEY] [-t=DESTINATION 
                        FOLDER] [-u=DATABASE USER]
Creates backups from Postgres and uploads these to Dropbox
  -a, --dropbox-token=DROPBOX AUTH TOKEN
                             Dropbox authorization token
  -b, --bootstrap-auth       Bootstraps dropbox authorization process
  -d, --database=DATABASE NAME
                             Database target for backup actions
  -f, --backup-prefix=OPTIONAL BACKUP PREFIX
                             Optional backup prefix on backup uploads
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -k, --dropbox-key=DROPBOX KEY
                             Dropbox connection key
  -p, --password[=DATABASE PASSWORD]
                             Database password with backup privileges
  -s, --dropbox-secret=DROPBOX SECRET
                             Dropbox secret
                             Destination folder for backup
  -u, --user=DATABASE USER   Database user with backup privileges
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.

Configuration could be saved by using properties files.

Configuration follows a priority, it will stop on the first existing file using the following priority

  1. kobsidian.properties - Next to executable/Jar classpath
  2. ~/.kobsidianconfig - User home directory
  3. /etc/kobsidian/kobsidian.properties - Etc global configuration file

A sample kobsidian.properties file will be created on /etc/kobsidian if RPM installation is used

Using Kobsidian with Dropbox

Kobsidian is a server CLI application, hence it uses app authentication flow where app secret and key is used to generate a Dropbox access Token.

To use this application you need three elements:

  1. A new Dropbox application for your account
  2. App's key and secret
  3. Dropbox's token generated by 'app authentication'

The application uses a Dropbox Token that is retrieved interactively from command line execution (app secret and key are just for demonstration):

kobsidian-backup -k uh5guw13zs12345 -s ggq3jopoq12345 -b
1. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=uh5guw13zs12345
2. Click "Allow" (you might have to log in first).
3. Copy the authorization code.
Enter the authorization code here: e8e2sLNmNloAAAAAAAB3or6PC_OZDeIrGDM_CI12345
Authorization complete.
Saving access Token: reallylongaccestokenthisoneisfakeT2dfjmKQvBqz-u2oV9DpKNj

Access token will be saved automatically on the first existing properties file.

Once access configuration is complete, you could fire any backup with command line arguments, for instance the following command will create a demopostgres backup for the database postgres

kobsidian-backup -d postgres -p -t /tmp/ -f demopostgres 
Enter value for --password (Database password with backup privileges): 

How to generate a GraalVM Native Image executable from Jar File

If you want to generate the native image binary manually you could personalize the following comand. Note that Dropbox trusted-certs.raw is explicitly included to Native Image process.

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/native-image --enable-https --no-fallback -H:IncludeResources="com.dropbox.core.trusted-certs.raw"   -jar target/kobsidian-backup-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar