
Tuya Smart Life App SDK is designed to promote the development of apps with multiple smart device features, such as device pairing, device control, firmware updates, scheduled tasks, and smart scenes.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

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Tuya Smart Life App SDK for iOS



Tuya Smart Life App SDK for iOS supports iOS 9.0 and later provided by Tuya Smart and applies to the field of smart home. iOS developers can quickly develop app functions based on the SDK, and achieve the activation of smart hardware, hardware control, firmware update, periodic tasks, smart scenes, and other operations.

The SDK includes the following functions:

  • Account management (phone number, email registration, login, password reset, and other general account functions)
  • Home management (home management, room management, home sharing, and other functions)
  • Device management (network configuration, control, status reporting, timed tasks, groups, firmware update, and sharing)


This section uses CocoaPods for integration, and version 9.0 or later is supported.

  1. Add the following content in the file Podfile:

    platform :ios, '9.0'
    target 'your_target_name' do
          pod "TuyaSmartHomeKit"
  2. Run the command pod update in the project's root directory to begin integration.

  3. For more information about CocoaPods, see CocoaPods Guides.

Initialize the SDK

  1. Open the project to apply the setting, Target > General, and set Bundle Identifier to the value from the Tuya IoT Development Platform.

  2. Import a security image to the project, rename it as t_s.bmp, and then add it to Project Setting > Target > Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources.

  3. Add the following content to the project file PrefixHeader.pch

    #import <TuyaSmartHomeKit/TuyaSmartKit.h>
  4. Open the file AppDelegate.m,and use the App ID and App Secret that are obtained from the Tuya IoT Development Platform in the [AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] method to initialize the SDK:

    [[TuyaSmartSDK sharedInstance] startWithAppKey:<#your_app_key#> secretKey:<#your_secret_key#>];

    All the preparation steps are finished. You can use the SDK to develop your application.


For more information, see Developer Guide for iOS.


Change Log


You can get support from Tuya Smart by using the following methods:


This SDK Sample is licensed under the MIT License.