
The Tuya Smart Lighting Android SDK is an interface package that extends the TuyaSmartDevice with access to lighting device related features to speed up the development process.

Primary LanguageKotlin


The lighting equipment is more complicated, and there are both v1 and v2 new and old firmware. Even if standard commands are used, two sets of control logic need to be developed.

Therefore, the functions of the lighting equipment are encapsulated, and the switches, working mode switching, brightness control, cooling and heating control, color light control and the control of the four scene modes of the lighting equipment are encapsulated.

Functional Overview

Tuya Smart Lighting Android SDK is based on Tuya SmartDevice, which expands the interface package for accessing lighting equipment related functions to speed up the development process. Mainly includes the following functions:

  • Get the current device is a few street lights
  • Get the value of all function points of the lamp
  • Turn the lights on or off
  • Switch working mode
  • Control the brightness of the light
  • Control the color temperature of the lamp
  • Switch scene mode
  • Set the color of the lantern

Quick integration

Dependency description

implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart:3.22.0'
// Control SDK dependencies
implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-centralcontrol:1.0.3'

It should be noted that tuyasmart-centralcontrol uses kotlin to compile, and the kotlin library needs to be imported to ensure its normal use.

If Kotlin has been introduced in the project, the following configuration can be ignored.


buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.72'
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"

Introduce the kotlin plugin and kotlin package in the app's build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
dependencies {
	implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"

Device initialization

First, create an ITuyaLightDevice object, and the lamp-related methods are encapsulated in this method.

ITuyaLightDevice lightDevice = new TuyaLightDevice(String devId);

Parameter Description

parameter Description
devId Device id

Sample code

// init lightDevice
ITuyaLightDevice lightDevice = new TuyaLightDevice("vdevo159793004250542");

This object encapsulates all dp points of the lamp, including the issuance and reporting of control commands.

Device agent monitoring

Method description

 * register Listener
void registerLightListener(ILightListener listener);

Among them, the ILightListener callback is as follows:

public interface ILightListener {
     * Monitor dp point changes of lighting equipment
     * @param dataPoint The state of all dp points of the fixture
    void onDpUpdate(LightDataPoint dataPoint);

     * remove device
    void onRemoved();

     * device ststus
    void onStatusChanged(boolean online);

     * network status
    void onNetworkStatusChanged(boolean status);

     * Device information update such as name and the like
    void onDevInfoUpdate();

Sample code

// create lightDevice
ITuyaLightDevice lightDevice = new TuyaLightDevice("vdevo159793004250542");

// register listener
lightDevice.registerLightListener(new ILightListener() {
    public void onDpUpdate(LightDataPoint dataPoint) { // return LightDataPoint,Contains the values of all function points of the lamp
        Log.i("test_light", "onDpUpdate:" + dataPoint);

    public void onRemoved() {
        Log.i("test_light", "onRemoved");

    public void onStatusChanged(boolean status) {
        Log.i("test_light", "onDpUpdate:" + status);

    public void onNetworkStatusChanged(boolean status) {
        Log.i("test_light", "onDpUpdate:" + status);

    public void onDevInfoUpdate() {
        Log.i("test_light", "onDevInfoUpdate:");

TuyaSmartLightDataPointModel Data model

Field Types description
powerSwitch boolea Whether the switch is on, YES means on, NO means off
workMode LightMode Working mode, MODE_WHITE is white light mode; MODE_COLOUR is color light mode; MODE_SCENE is scene mode;
brightness int Brightness percentage,从1-100
colorTemperature int Color temperature percentage,从0-100
colourHSV LightColourData Color value, HSV color space; H is hue, value range is 0-360; S is saturation, value range is 0-100; V is lightness, value range is 1-100
scene LightScene Lantern scene, * SCENE_GOODNIGHT is good night scene; SCENE_WORK is work scene; SCENE_READ is reading scene; SCENE_CASUAL is leisure scene;

Parameter Description

It is worth noting that the LightDataPoint object, which encapsulates all the function points of the current device. When the function point changes, it will be called back. Each callback will be a complete object.

The following is the specific meaning of the object parameters:

public class LightDataPoint {
     * switch
    public boolean powerSwitch;
     * Operating mode。
     * <p>
     * MODE_WHITE  White light mode;
     * MODE_COLOUR  color light mode;
     * MODE_SCENE Scene mode;
    public LightMode workMode;

     * Brightness percentage,0~100
    public int brightness;

     * Color temperature percentage,0~100
    public int colorTemperature;

     * Color value, HSV color space.
     * <p>
     * H,0-360;
     * S,0-100;
     * V,0-100;
    public LightColourData colorHSV;
     * Lantern scene
     * SCENE_GOODNIGHT Good night scene;
     * SCENE_WORK Work situation;
     * SCENE_READ Reading situation;
     * SCENE_CASUAL Casual scene;
    public LightScene scene;

Sample Code

// Turn on the lights
lightDevice.powerSwitch(true, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.i("test_light", "powerSwitch onError:" + code + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i("test_light", "powerSwitch onSuccess:");
// Good night scene
lightDevice.scene(LightScene.SCENE_GOODNIGHT, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.i("test_light", "scene onError:" + code + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i("test_light", "scene onSuccess:");
// Set color
lightDevice.colorHSV(100, 100, 100, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.i("test_light", "colorHSV onError:" + code + error);
    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i("test_light", "colorHSV onSuccess:");

Get the current lamp type

The lights are divided into one road light (only white light), two road lights (white light + cooling and heating control), three road lights (only color light mode), four road lights (white light + color light), five lights (white light + color light + cold and warm) .

These 5 kinds of lamps are different in function definition, and they are different in the development of corresponding UI and control.

This method can get the current lamp type.

Interface Description

 * Get the current number of lights
 * @return {@link LightType}
LightType lightType();

Among them, the types defined in LightType are:

 * White light,dpCode:bright_value
 * White light + cold and warm,dpCode:bright_value + temp_value
 * RGB,dpCode:colour_data
 * White light+RGB,dpCode:bright_value + colour_data
 * White light+cold and warm+RGB,dpCode:bright_value + temp_value + colour_data

Get the values of all functions of the current device

When opening a device panel, you need to get all the function point values to display. The LightDataPoint object mentioned above can be obtained through this interface.

 * Get the value of all function points of the lamp
LightDataPoint getLightDataPoint();


Control the light switch

Interface Description

 * Light on or off
 * @param status         true or false
 * @param resultCallback callback
void powerSwitch(boolean status, IResultCallback resultCallback);

Parameter Description

Field meaning
status true is on
resultCallback It only means that the sending command is successful or failed. The real control success needs to identify the dp change in ILightListener

Switch working mode

Control the switching of working modes

Interface Description

 * Switch working mode
 * @param mode           Operating mode
 * @param resultCallback callback
void workMode(LightMode mode, IResultCallback resultCallback);

Parameter Description

Field meaning
mode Working mode, its values are MODE_WHITE (white light), MODE_COLOUR (color light), MODE_SCENE (scene mode)
resultCallback It only means that the sending command is successful or failed. The real control success needs to identify the dp change in ILightListener

Call example

If switch to IPL mode:

lightDevice.workMode(LightMode.MODE_COLOUR, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.i("test_light", "workMode onError:" + code + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i("test_light", "workMode onSuccess");

Note: Some lamps and lanterns must be switched to the corresponding working mode before they can be controlled.

Control the brightness of the light

Control brightness

Interface Description

 * Brightness control.
 * @param status         Percentage of brightness, value range 0-100
 * @param resultCallback callback
void brightness(int status, IResultCallback resultCallback);

Parameter Description

Field meaning
status Percentage of brightness
resultCallback It only means that the sending command is successful or failed. The real control success needs to identify the dp change in ILightListener

Control the color temperature of the light (warm and cold)

Control the heating and cooling value of the lamp

Interface Description

 * Color temperature control
 * @param status         Percentage of color temperature, value range 0-100
 * @param resultCallback callback
void colorTemperature(int status, IResultCallback resultCallback);

Parameter Description

Field meaning
status Percentage of color temperature
resultCallback It only means that the sending command is successful or failed. The real control success needs to identify the dp change in ILightListener

Set the color of the IPL

Control the color of colored lights

Interface Description

 * Set the color of the lantern
 * @param hue            tone (0-360)
 * @param saturation     saturation(0-100)
 * @param value          Lightness(0-100)
 * @param resultCallback callback
void colorHSV(int hue, int saturation, int value, IResultCallback resultCallback);

Switch scene mode

Switch the scene mode of the colorful lights. There are currently four modes:

LightScene.SCENE_GOODNIGHT Good night sceneLightScene.SCENE_WORK Work situationLightScene.SCENE_READ Reading situationLightScene.SCENE_CASUAL Casual scene

Interface Description

 * @param lightScene     {@link LightScene}
 * @param resultCallback callback
void scene(LightScene lightScene, IResultCallback resultCallback);

Appendix: All standard function points of lamps

code Name Data type Value description Description
switch_led switch Boolean {}
work_mode mode Enum {"range":["white","colour","scene","music","scene_1","scene_2","scene_3","scene_4"]}
bright_value brightness Integer {"min":25,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":255,"step":1}
bright_value_v2 brightness Integer {"min":10,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}
temp_value Warm and cold Integer {"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":255,"step":1}
temp_value_v2 Warm and cold Integer {"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}
colour_data Number of IPL Modes Json {}
colour_data_v2 Number of IPL Modes Json {}
scene_data Number of scene modes Json {}
scene_data_v2 Number of scene modes Json {}
flash_scene_1 Soft light mode Json {}
flash_scene_2 Fun mode Json {}
flash_scene_3 Colorful mode Json {}
flash_scene_4 Gorgeous mode Json {}
music_data Music light mode control Json {}
control_data Adjust dp control Json {}
countdown_1 Countdown Integer {"unit":"","min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1}
scene_select Scene selection Enum {"range":["1","2","3","4","5"]} old version
switch_health_read Healthy reading switch Boolean {} old version
read_time Healthy reading-reading time setting Integer {"unit":"minute","min":1,"max":60,"scale":0,"step":1} old version
rest_time Healthy reading-rest time setting Integer {"unit":"minute","min":1,"max":60,"scale":0,"step":1} old version

Lamp v1 standard instruction set description

Features code Types standard value Example Remarks
switch switch_led Boolean true/false (on/off) {"switch_led":true}
mode work_mode Enum "white"/"colour"/"scene"/"scene_1"/"scene_2"/"scene_3"/"scene_4" {"work_mode":"scene"}
brightness bright_value_v1 Integer 25-255 {"bright_value_v1":100} Brightness value 25-255, corresponding to actual brightness 10%-100%, the lowest brightness display is 10%
Color temperature temp_value_v1 Integer 0-255 {"temp_value_v1":100"} The color temperature range is 0-100, corresponding to the actual color temperature 0%-100%, corresponding to the warmest and coldest ranges respectively. The actual color temperature value depends on the hardware specifications, such as 2700K-6500K
colour colour_data_v1 String Value: ”00112233334455”(A string of length 14)
00: R
11: G
22: B
3333: H(Hue)
44: S(Saturation)
55: V(Value)**
{"colour_data_v2":"2700000000ff27"} The color is transmitted according to the HSV system, or it can be converted to the RGB color system through an algorithm.
Refer to the URL [https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/color/index.html](https://www.rapidtables.com/ convert/color/index.html)
You can get RGB (R,G,B): (HEX)(32,64,C8),(DEC)(50,100,200)
scene scene_data String Value: "00112233334455"(A string of length 14)
00: R
11: G
22: B
3333: H(Hue)
44: S(Saturation)
55: V(Value)
Soft light scene flash_scene_1 String Value :"00112233445566"(A string of length 14)
00: brightness(brightness)
11: Color temperature(color Temperature)
22: Frequency of change(frequency)
33:Change the number of groups(01)
445566:R G B
Colorful scene flash_scene_3 String Same as above {"work_mode":"scene_3","flash_scene_3":"ffff320100ff00"}
Colorful scene flash_scene_2 String Value:"00112233445566....445566"(A string with a length of 1444)
00: brightness(brightness)
11: Color temperature(color Temperature)
22: Frequency of change(frequency)
33:Change the number of groups(01
445566:R G B
Note: as many groups as there are changes, there are as many as 445566, and the maximum number of groups is 6 groups
Colorful scene flash_scene_4 String Same as above {"work_mode":"scene_4","flash_scene_4":"ffff0505ff000000ff00ffff00ff00ff0000ff"}

Lamp v2 standard instruction set description

Features code Type standard value Example Remarks
switch switch_led Boolean true/false (on/off) {"switch_led":true}
mode work_mode Enum "white"/"colour"/"scene"/"music" {"work_mode":"scene"} The TAB column of white light, color light, scene and music light is determined by DP point:

"White light" menu bar: mode and brightness DP are jointly determined
"Color light" menu bar: mode and color DP Joint decision
"Scene" menu bar: Mode and context DP jointly decided
"Music light" menu bar: Mode and music light DP jointly decided
"Countdown": Decided by countdown DP point
" Timing": Determined by cloud function and cloud timing
brightness bright_value_v2 Integer 10 – 1000 {"bright_value_v2":670} Brightness value 10-1000, corresponding to actual brightness 1%-100%, the lowest brightness display is 1%
Color temperature temp_value_v2 Integer 0-1000 {"temp_value_v2":797"} The color temperature range is 0-1000, corresponding to the actual color temperature 0%-100%, corresponding to the warmest and coldest range values respectively. The actual color temperature value depends on the hardware specifications, such as 2700K-6500K
colour colour_data_v2 String 000011112222

Value description:


1111:S (saturation:0-1000, 0X0000-0X03E8)

2222:V (Lightness:0-1000,0X0000-0X03E8)

HSV (H,S,V): (HEX)(00DC, 004B,004E),Convert to(DEC):(220,75%,78%)

The color is transmitted according to the HSV system, and can also be converted to the RGB color system through an algorithm.

Reference URL [https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/color/index.html](https://www.rapidtables .com/convert/color/index.html)

You can get RGB (R,G,B): (HEX)(32,64,C8),(DEC)(50,100,200)
scene scene_data_v2 String 0011223344445555666677778888

00:Scene number

11:Unit switching interval time(0-100)

22:Unit change time(0-100)

33:Unit change mode (0 static 1 jump 2 gradual change)


5555:S (saturation:0-1000, 0X0000-0X03E8)

6666:V (Lightness:0-1000,0X0000-0X03E8)

7777:White light brightness(0-1000)

8888:Color temperature(0-1000)

Note: The numbers 1-8 correspond to as many groups as there are units
{"25":"010b0a02000003e803e8000000000b0a02007603e803e8000000000b0a0200e703e803e800000000"} 01: Scene number 01

0b: Unit switching interval time (0)

0a: Unit change time (10)

02: Unit change mode: Gradual

0000: H (Chroma: 0X0000)

03e8: S (Saturation: 0-1000, 0X0000-0X03E8)

03e8: V (Lightness: 0-1000, 0X0000- 0X03E8)

0000: White light brightness (0-1000)

0000: Color temperature value (0-1000)
Countdown countdown_1 Integer 0-86400
The data unit is second, which corresponds to a value of 60 for one minute, and the maximum setting is 86400=23 hours and 59 minutes.
0 means off
{ "countdown_1":"120" }
music music_data String 011112222333344445555
0: Change mode, 0 means direct output, 1 means gradual change


2222:S (saturation:0-1000, 0X0000-0X03E8)

3333:V (Lightness:0-1000,0X0000-0X03E8)

4444:White light brightness(0-1000)

5555:Color temperature(0-1000)

0: Change mode, 0 means direct output, 1 means gradual change

Example description:

1: Change mode, 1 means gradual change

0076:H(Chroma: 0X0076)

03e8:S (saturation:0X03e8)

03e8::V (Lightness: 0X03e8)


0025:Color temperature(37%)
This function point and the mode function point together determine whether to display the music light
Adjust DP control control_data String 0: Change mode, 0 means direct output, 1 means gradual change
1111:H(Chroma:0-360,0 X0000-0X0168 )
2222: S ( saturation:0 -1000, 0X0000-0X03E8)
3333: V (Lightness:0-1000,0 X0000-0X03E8)
4444:White light brightness(0-1000)
5555:Color temperature(0-1000)
{ "control_data":" 10076 03e803e800120025" }
1: Change mode, 1 means gradual change
0076 :H(Chroma: 0 X0076 )
03e8 : S ( saturation: 0X03e8)
03e8 :: V ( Lightness: 0 X03e8)
0012 :brightness( 18 %)
0025 :Color temperature( 37 %)
This DP is used for real-time data delivery during panel adjustment
Situational change scene_data_v2 String The specific format of the scenario is as follows:
00 11 22 33 444455556666 77778888

Tab time speed mode color(hsv) white(bright,temper)

Except for Tab, the rest of the composition is basic At present, the maximum number of scene units can be set to 8

that is 00 + (11223344445555666677778888)* 8

The relationship between Time and speed:

The gradual change and unit switching are currently performed simultaneously , Can reach three change states (only two distributions are carried out)

A: Synchronization is completed:

To switch to the next unit immediately after the gradual change is completed, send time = speed

B:Stopping and waiting after gradual change

For example, it will achieve 1s to complete the gradual change, and stagnate for 1s to continue the gradual change. Send time = 2, speed = 1

C: Switch in advance

When the gradual change time is less than the switching time, it will switch to the next target state to start gradual change during the change, achieving one A relatively random effect of change. Send time<speed

Time (switching time between each scene unit) 0-100 (unit: 100ms)

The switching interval of 100ms-10s can be realized, when it is 0, it means to switch directly to the next One unit, but transition from the state of this unit

The specific figure is as follows:

The above figure is an example, when the time of unit B is 0, it can be equivalent to the process of changing from A to C , But at the intermediate node X, the light state switches to B and continues to change

Speed (the gradual speed of the scene unit switching from the last state to the target state) 0-100 (unit HZ)

Note : The current implementation is still using time as a unit, so the fastest is 1 (10khz), and the slowest is 100 (100hz), no need to modify the follow-up negotiation.

The gradual step of the new version of the light is 1000, so speed = time change time/1000

Set the change time to t

For example, when speed is issued 1, s = 0.1s/1000 = 10Khz

When speed = 0, the change of the current unit will be stagnant, until the unit switching time T is reached, switching to the next target scenario unit will start to change from the stagnant unit to the new unit

Mode is the change mode from the current scene unit to the next target scene unit. There are three ways: 0, 1, 2

Mode = 0: static scene, when the target scene mode is At 0 o'clock, when the change is completed, the scene change will stop and become a static scene. The speed of change is currently fixed to the breathing time of normal white light and colored light(500ms)。

Mode = 1:Jump mode, when the unit switching time comes, directly switch to the new scenario unit

Mode = 2: Gradual mode, when the thread reads the data in the current scenario unit, it changes from the previous scenario unit to the new one Scenes

The scenes of the new version of the lights can only light up the colored lights, and now it supports the function of white light and colored lights at the same time.