
Repairing Man-Made Meshes via Visual Driven Global Optimization with Minimum Intrusion

Primary LanguageC

Repairing Man-Made Meshes via Visual Driven Global Optimization with Minimum Intrusion

Lei Chu, Hao Pan, Yang Liu, Wenping Wang. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019).


  Boost(1.68)  https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.68.0/
  CGAL(4.12.1)  https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases
  MOSEK(8.1)  https://www.mosek.com/downloads/


Our project was developed with VS2015(x64) on Windows10. Following is how to install on Windows.

  • Clone to local repository: git clone https://github.com/lei65537/Visual_Driven_Mesh_Repair.git
  • Compile the code with CMake(>=3.3)
  • Please set(under windows) MOSEK_INCLUDE_DIR as MOSEK_ROOT_PATH\8\tools\platform\win64x86\h and MOSEK_LIBRARIES as MOSEK_ROOT_PATH/8/tools/platform/win64x86/bin/mosek64_8_1.lib
  • The license of MOSEK is required.
  • Please tick the Advanced and Grouped in CMake
  • Please copy the dlls(including libgmp-10.dll and libmpfr-4.dll of CGAL) to the folder of the executable before running


If you use our code or model, please cite our paper:

    Title = {Repairing Man-Made Meshes via Visual Driven Global Optimization with Minimum Intrusion}, 
    Author = {Chu, Lei and Pan, Hao and Liu, Yang and Wang, Wenping}, 
    Journal = {ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH ASIA)}, 
    issue_date = {November 2019},
    Year = {2019}, 
    Number = {6}, 
    Volume = {38},
    numpages = {18},
    Publisher = {ACM} 


Input & Output

We support .off and .obj for input and the output is .obj. There will be three output meshes for each input model.

  • _vd.obj -- the result mesh after visual driven processing
  • _opt.obj -- the result manifold mesh after gloabl topology optimization
  • _opt_HR.obj -- the more concise manifold mesh with hidden patch removal

Call the Program

MeshViewer.exe PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE Eps_Visual Csl_min W1 W2 Num_threads

  • PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE - the path to a triangle mesh in .off or .obj
  • Eps_Visual and Csl_min - parameters that control the visual driven processing step
  • W1 and W2 - the weights of E_ori and E_reg in the manifold mesh reconstruction step
  • Num_threads - controls the number of cpu threads used

Suggested default parameter values are given in the following example and discussed in the paper/supplemental document.

Test Examples

For example: MeshViewer.exe .\PATH_TO_Test_examples\airplane_0627.off 0.0056 0.08 5 1 8

Processed Datasets

We provide 10k processed meshes of ModelNet and ShapeNet by our program. The meshes are named according to their sources in the respective datasets.


The code and data are released under the MIT license.
