
freeCodeCamp - Random Quote Machine

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Publish to surge.sh

freeCodeCamp - Random Quote Machine

Deploy to surge.sh

  • Check available domain 1quote.surge.sh
$REPO_NAME = "fcc-random-quote-machine"
$SURGE_DOMAIN = "1quote.surge.sh"
$SURGE_TOKEN = surge token

# Set domain you want to publish your site on https://your-surge-website-or-custom-domain.surge.sh
gh secret set SURGE_DOMAIN -b"${SURGE_DOMAIN}" --repos="${REPO_NAME}"

# Set secret visible only to certain repositories
gh secret set SURGE_TOKEN -b"${SURGE_TOKEN}" --repos="${REPO_NAME}"

  • Compose .github/workflows/publish-surge.yaml file