
A simple package that adds active class to your links occasionally based on route name.

Primary LanguagePHP

Active class directive for Laravel blade


For installation use this command:

composer require tuytoosh/active

Publish configuration

A simple configuration file has a config key for default active class. Use

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --force

in order to publish the configuration file. The config key is located in ./config/active.php file and you can replace the default value with your own. In the configuration you can change default active and inactive classes. For example you can use tailwind classes to activate or deactivate navbar menu items:


return [
    'class' => 'active',
    'inactive_class' => '',

How to use

With this package instead of using:

class="@if(Route::currentRouteName() == 'home') active @endif"

In blade files you can simply use:


Override default active and inactive classes

You can override the default active class by passing second parameter to the directive like this:

class="@active('home', 'open', 'closed')"

Use * for all routes

  • class="@active('*')" will be active for all routes
  • class="@active('admin.*')" will be active for all routes that starts with admin.
  • class="@active('admin.post.*', 'open')" will be open for all routes that starts with admin.post.

Array of routes

You can pass an array of routes as first parameter to the directive like this:

class="@active(['admin.dashboard', 'user.dashboard'])"

* and exact patterns will work as well.

active() and isActive() helpers

All features are available in active() helper function. for example you can use it in your controller like this:

// returns string
$class = active('home');


// returns boolean



  • Add support for * at the end of route name
  • Add tests
  • Make it compatible with older versions of Laravel
  • Support for route parameters!
  • support for array of route patterns




Please feel free to fork this project and make pull requests. Test env is ready to use with orchestra testbench and you just need run:

composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit --debug --colors