
Learn Go language with in a simple way!

Primary LanguageGo

Learn Go language

Hello world program in Go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello World")

Get user input

The Scan function gets user input and we have to send a pointer of the variable to it.

fmt.Println("Enter ticket count: ")

Arrays and Slices

Arrays in Go have fixed size and if we try to append elements to the end of that we have to know exact position of new spot.

var users = [3] string {"Hamid", "Amir"}
users[3] = "Majid"

Slices are better because they have dynamic size and we can append any number of elements to them.

var users[]string
users = append(users, "Hamid")
users = append(users, "Amir")

Conditions and Loops


The simplest loop in go is for{} which is eqivalant to while(){} in other languages.

var users []string

for {
    var name string
    fmt.Println("Enter user or `exit`: ")
    if (name == "exit") {
    users = append(users, name)

fmt.Printf("%v\n", users)


for index, name := range users {
    fmt.Print(index, name)

You can simply left the index blank buy puttig _ in its location:

for _, name := range users {


Functions are very similar to other languages:

func bye(name string) {
	fmt.Printf("Bye %v\n!", name)

And for calling them:
