Larger-Context NMT

Primary LanguagePython


Larger-Context Neural Machine Translation

Larger-Context NMT v0.1

In this version, we introduce a cross-sentence context-aware approach to investigate the influence of historical contextual information on the performance of NMT. If you use the code, please cite our paper:

  author    = {Wang, Longyue and Tu, Zhaopeng and Way, Andy and Liu Qun},
  title     = {Exploiting Cross-Sentence Context for Neural Machine Translation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  year      = {2017},

This package is based on the old version of Nematus by EdinburghNLP (https://github.com/EdinburghNLP/nematus). If you use Nematus, please cite the following paper:

  author    = {Sennrich, Rico  and  Firat, Orhan  and  Cho, Kyunghyun  and  Birch, Alexandra  and  Haddow, Barry  and  Hitschler, Julian  and  Junczys-Dowmunt, Marcin  and  L\"{a}ubli, Samuel  and  Miceli Barone, Antonio Valerio  and  Mokry, Jozef  and  Nadejde, Maria},
  title     = {Nematus: a Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  month     = {April},
  year      = {2017},
  address   = {Valencia, Spain},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {65--68},
  url       = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/E17-3017}

For any comments or questions, please email Longyue Wang and Zhaopeng Tu.


LC-NMT is developed by Longyue Wang and Zhaopeng Tu, which is on top of Nematus. It requires Theano0.8 or above version (for the module "scan" used in the trainer).

To install LC-NMT in a multi-user setting

python setup.py develop --user

For general installation, simply use

python setup.py develop

NOTE: This will install the development version of Theano, if Theano is not currently installed.

How to Run?

1, Pre-processing

We need to process train/dev/test files from common format into historical one. Assume that the number of history sentence is 2 (hist_len = 2). For example:

The orignal format is:

And of course , we all share the same adaptive imperatives .
We 're all born . We all bring our children into the world .
We go through initiation rites .
We have to deal with the inexorable separation of death , so it shouldn 't surprise us that we all sing , we all dance , we all have art .

The historical format is:

NULL@@@@And of course , we all share the same adaptive imperatives .
And of course , we all share the same adaptive imperatives .@@@@We 're all born . We all bring our children into the world .
And of course , we all share the same adaptive imperatives .####We 're all born . We all bring our children into the world .@@@@We go through initiation rites .
We 're all born . We all bring our children into the world .####We go through initiation rites .@@@@We have to deal with the inexorable separation of death , so it shouldn 't surprise us that we all sing , we all dance , we all have art .

where the delimiter "@@@@" is used to separate historical and current sentences; and the the delimiter "####" is sentence boundary.

We use jieba segmentor (https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba) for Chinese segmentation, and use Moses scripts (https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder/tree/master/scripts/tokenizer) for English tokenization.

2, Training

2.1 Use data_iterator_src_hist.py instead of data_iterator.py for loading data.

2.2 Use hnmt_src_static_*.py instead of nmt.py for training. For example, hnmt_src_static_gate_src_init_two.py means +Init_{enc+dec}+Gating Auxi in the paper.

2.3 Use translate_src_static_*.py instead of translate.py for decoding. For instance, translate_src_static_gate_src_init_two.py means +Init_{enc+dec}+Gating Auxi in the paper.

TO-do List

1, re-code based on new version of Nematus;

2, release other codes for variant models in the paper.