
Automated machine learning experimentation workflow on GPU

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automated machine learning experimentation workflow on GPU

This code is currently in alpha. Changes occur quickly and compatibility may break at any time.


Create a config.ini file with your own settings.

json1 = /u/z3tu/projects/watermill/json1

To query JSON using the json1 extension. You can get the extension by running get_json1.sh (make you have required headers before installing, i.e. sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev).

Starting workers

This starts two workers, each can process 2 tasks at once.

celery -A task_queue worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=2 -n worker1 -Q gpu0
celery -A task_queue worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=2 -n worker2 -Q gpu1


One can query using the SQLite shell:

$ sqlite3 watermill.db
SQLite version 3.22.0 2018-01-22 18:45:57
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .load json1
sqlite> select json_extract(args, '$.arch'), json_extract(args, '$.program') from experiments limit 5;


Querying the model that performs the best on the validation set for model selection.

sqlite> select rowid,
json_extract(args, '$.arch') as arch, json_extract(args, '$.dataset') as dataset,
json_extract(args, '$.dropout') as dropout,
json_extract(args, '$.sparse_features') as sparse,
json_extract(args, '$.attention') as attention,
json_extract(args, '$.wide_conv') as wide,
from experiments where group_id=27 and dataset='trecqa' and arch='mpcnn_no_per_dim_no_multi_pooling'
order by json_extract(dev_metric, '$.cross_entropy_loss') asc limit 5;
1738|mpcnn_no_per_dim_no_multi_pooling|trecqa|||basic|1|{"cross_entropy_loss": 0.4985522381834612, "map": 0.7363, "mrr": 0.8013}
1819|mpcnn_no_per_dim_no_multi_pooling|trecqa|0||basic|1|{"cross_entropy_loss": 0.5391504070859139, "map": 0.7501, "mrr": 0.8367}
1704|mpcnn_no_per_dim_no_multi_pooling|trecqa|||basic|1|{"cross_entropy_loss": 0.549805790052525, "map": 0.7064, "mrr": 0.7467}
2156|mpcnn_no_per_dim_no_multi_pooling|trecqa|0||none||{"cross_entropy_loss": 0.5713172829780818, "map": 0.772, "mrr": 0.8467}
1817|mpcnn_no_per_dim_no_multi_pooling|trecqa|0||basic|1|{"cross_entropy_loss": 0.5848681800794473, "map": 0.7266, "mrr": 0.7892}