
Ordered map Go data structure benchmarks

Primary LanguageGo

Ordered map Go data structure benchmarks

These results are stale. Please see https://gitlab.com/cznic/benchmark-ordered-map for an updated version.



Inserts the test data set in the order it is given (pseudorandom), replacing existing items.


Iterates all values in key order, accessing each key and value.


Inserts the test data, pre-sorted, in key order.

Requirements for a library

  • Name the benchmark functions Benchmark<Workload>[_<Alternative>].

  • If the API takes key and value separately, use Key and Value; if not, use Item.

  • Never store pointers to Key, Value or Item; we can simulate that by changing the size of the data types, instead.

  • Remember to loop b.N times.

  • When iterating, remember to assign both Key and Value to _, after any type asserts if those are needed.

  • TODO: After the loop, b.StopTimer() and submit results to Verify.



benchmark                       iter       time/iter     bytes alloc             allocs
---------                       ----       ---------     -----------             ------
Benchmark_cznic-b-codegen         30     49.37 ms/op    3195224 B/op     1924 allocs/op
Benchmark_google-btree            20     73.34 ms/op    6812128 B/op   106917 allocs/op
Benchmark_biogo-llrb              20     87.55 ms/op    8000016 B/op   200001 allocs/op
Benchmark_kellydunn-art           20     89.73 ms/op   29546968 B/op   800745 allocs/op
Benchmark_cznic-b                 10    100.12 ms/op    6824199 B/op   201925 allocs/op
Benchmark_glennbrown-skiplist     10    108.02 ms/op   12016764 B/op   400018 allocs/op
Benchmark_3xian-elephantlist      10    145.34 ms/op    9630173 B/op   227178 allocs/op
Benchmark_huandu-skiplist         10    163.81 ms/op    9908171 B/op   400003 allocs/op
Benchmark_petar-GoLLRB            10    199.64 ms/op    8000016 B/op   200001 allocs/op
Benchmark_ryszard-skiplist         5    265.26 ms/op   66400347 B/op   500006 allocs/op
Benchmark_sortedslice              1   3884.09 ms/op   14598160 B/op       32 allocs/op


benchmark                        iter         time/iter   bytes alloc        allocs
---------                        ----         ---------   -----------        ------
Benchmark_sortedslice           10000      207.71 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_cznic-b-codegen        1000     1405.33 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_google-btree            500     2663.96 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_cznic-b                 500     3709.30 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_biogo-llrb              300     4697.60 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_huandu-skiplist         300     4764.20 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_glennbrown-skiplist     200     7196.53 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_petar-GoLLRB            200     9874.52 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_kellydunn-art           100    13299.66 μs/op        0 B/op   0 allocs/op
Benchmark_ryszard-skiplist        100    16260.66 μs/op       48 B/op   1 allocs/op


benchmark                                iter      time/iter     bytes alloc             allocs
---------                                ----      ---------     -----------             ------
Benchmark_sortedslice                     100    15.25 ms/op   14598160 B/op       32 allocs/op
Benchmark_cznic-b-codegen                  50    25.92 ms/op    2681014 B/op     1614 allocs/op
Benchmark_google-btree_ReplaceOrInsert     30    51.05 ms/op    8437184 B/op   109903 allocs/op
Benchmark_glennbrown-skiplist              20    60.87 ms/op   12016763 B/op   400018 allocs/op
Benchmark_biogo-llrb_ReplaceOrInsert       20    66.43 ms/op    8000016 B/op   200001 allocs/op
Benchmark_biogo-llrb_InsertNoReplace       20    66.74 ms/op    8000016 B/op   200001 allocs/op
Benchmark_cznic-b                          20    69.56 ms/op    6112232 B/op   201616 allocs/op
Benchmark_kellydunn-art                    20    70.75 ms/op   29537728 B/op   799622 allocs/op
Benchmark_huandu-skiplist                  20    73.83 ms/op    9906618 B/op   400003 allocs/op
Benchmark_petar-GoLLRB_InsertNoReplace     10   118.81 ms/op    8000016 B/op   200001 allocs/op
Benchmark_3xian-elephantlist               10   142.84 ms/op   12563802 B/op   237510 allocs/op
Benchmark_ryszard-skiplist                 10   151.35 ms/op   66400356 B/op   500006 allocs/op
Benchmark_petar-GoLLRB_ReplaceOrInsert     10   193.65 ms/op    8000016 B/op   200001 allocs/op