
Example of running Bats (TAP-compliant testing framework for Bash) in Sonobuoy

Primary LanguageShell


Example of running Bats (TAP-compliant testing framework for Bash) in Sonobuoy diagnostic tool.

How to

Write Bats tests

Create your own, or use pre-created .bats tests in bats folder.

Generate custom plugin yaml

sonobuoy gen plugin \
--name=example-bats \
--image jojojojo1234/bats-runner:0.1 \
--arg="./example1.bats" \
--arg="./example2.bats" > example-bats.yaml

Note: you can select which Bats to run. Bats to run are in bats folder. If you create new .bats file/s in bats folder make sure you build new bats-runner Docker image (docker build -t bats-runner .) and reference it in sonobuoy gen plugin command afterwards.

Run Sonobuoy with custom plugin

sonobuoy run --plugin example-bats.yaml --wait

Inspect output files

results=$(sonobuoy retrieve) && sonobuoy results $results
tar xzf $results -C ./
cat plugins/example-bats/results/global/out*

Note: Results are in TAP format.