
Learning Resources for Developer Circle Members

MIT LicenseMIT

Understanding Open Source and making your first PR.

Recommended Learning Path for members of the Developer Circle community.

Type Content Level Approximate Time
Day 1
Video What is open source? Explained in Legos Beginner 5 Minutes
Video What is GitHub? Beginner 5 Minutes
Course Introduction to GitHub Beginner 75 Minutes
Reading Git Handbook Beginner 10 Minutes
Day 2
Video Contributing to Open Source for the first time Beginner 20 Minutes
Course Communicating using Markdown Beginner 60 Minutes
Course Uploading your project to GitHub Beginner 45 Minutes
Day 3
Video Discover GitHub Pages Beginner 5 minutes
Course Reviewing pull requests Beginner 45 Minutes
Course Securing your workflows Intermediate 30 Minutes
Day 4
Practice Open source workflows: First contributions Beginner At your pace
Day 5
Course Connect the dots in a GitHub repository Intermediate 30 Minutes
Course GitHub Actions: Hello World Intermediate 45 Minutes
Day 6
Course GitHub Actions: Continuous Integration Advanced 3-4 Hours

Once you are ready, you can apply your skills under the Developer Circle Github repository.

Curated by Amit Chopra amitchoprafb@