
Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Customized bootstrap vue form inputs for BS 5 and Vue 3

Wrapper components over the most commonly used bootstrap input components with support for vuelidate, vue i18n and vue 3 datepicker. Originally based on bootstrap-vue-next components, but since version 4 without this dependency.

Main goal is to simplify common bootstrap form design in my own projects.


npm install @tvaliasek/vue-form-inputs

# peer dependencies
npm install bootstrap
# for datepicker
npm install @vuepic/vue-datepicker
import { createApp } from 'vue'

import { FormInputsPlugin } from '@tvaliasek/vue-form-inputs'
import '@tvaliasek/vue-form-inputs/dist/vue-form-inputs.css'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'

const app = createApp(App)


// or import individual components


Usage, props and slots

Basic usage example:

    <!-- Common text input with validation -->
        label="Common text input"

<script setup>
import useVuelidate from '@vuelidate/core'
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { required } from '@vuelidate/validators'

const example = ref('')
const validations = useVuelidate(computed(() => ({ example: { required } })), { example })


Common props for all components

prop type required default description
label string false empty string Input label text
size string false undefined Size of input - sm, lg or not set
validationMessages object false empty object key - value pairs for validation messages
validation object false empty object vuelidate validation entry instance
disabled boolean false false Input html disabled attribute
modelValue undefined false undefined v-model value
hint string false undefined hint text for input displayed under form input
id string false undefined Input html id attribute
readOnly boolean false false toggle for readonly attribute


prop type required default description
type string false 'text' Input html attribute type
placeholder string false undefined input placeholder html attribute
formatter function false undefined function to apply on value as formatter
renderAsGroup boolean false false toggle for input group rendering, use slots default / append and prepend
lazyFormatter boolean false true control behaviour of formatter function


prop type required default description
placeholder string false undefined input placeholder html attribute
formatter function false undefined function to apply on value as formatter
lazyFormatter boolean false true control behaviour of formatter function


prop type required default description
options array true undefined [{ value: 'someValue', text: 'Some value' }]
multi boolean false false toggle for multiselect rendering
selectSize number false undefined set number of rows for multiselect
placeholder string false undefined input placeholder html attribute
renderAsGroup boolean false false toggle for input group rendering, use slots default / append and prepend

Radio group, Checkbox group

prop type required default description
options array true undefined [{ value: 'someValue', text: 'Some value' }]
stacked boolean false true toggle to render inputs side by side


prop type required default description
renderAsSwitch boolean false false toggle to render input as switch


Datepicker is wrapped @vuepic/vue-datepicker

prop type required default description
locale string false cs-CZ language code for Intl
minDate Date false undefined minimal date for calendar
maxDate Date false undefined maximal date for calendar
enableTime boolean false false toggle for date and time selection
ignoreTimeValidation boolean false true validate only date part
dateFormat function false undefined custom date formatter function
placeholder string false undefined input placeholder html attribute
enforceUtc boolean false undefined enforces UTC format
defaultTime { hours: string | number, minutes: string | number, seconds: string | number } false undefined sets default time


prop type required default description
multiple boolean false false set to true to enable multiple file selection
accept string or string[] false [] define list of extensions or mime type patterns allowed for selection, model value is automatically filtered using these patterns


If vue i18n is detected, please add these translations:

    "cs": {
        "vueFormInputs": {
            "feedback": {
                "required": "Toto pole je nutné vyplnit.",
                "minLength": "Hodnota musí být minimálně {minLength} znaků dlouhá.",
                "maxLength": "Hodnota musí být maximálně {maxLength} znaků dlouhá.",
                "minValue": "Hodnota musí být minimálně {minValue}.",
                "maxValue": "Hodnota musí být maximálně {maxValue}.",
                "between": "Hodnota musí být mezi {betweenMin} a {betweenMax}.",
                "alpha": "Jsou povoleny pouze písmena.",
                "alphaNum": "Jsou povoleny pouze písmena a čísla.",
                "numeric": "Jsou povoleny pouze čísla.",
                "integer": "Jsou povolena pouze celá čísla.",
                "decimal": "Jsou povolena pouze desetinná čísla.",
                "email": "Chybný formát emailové adresy.",
                "ipAddress": "Chybný formát IP adresy.",
                "macAddress": "Chybný formát MAC adresy.",
                "sameAs": "Hodnota není shodná.",
                "url": "Chybný formát URL adresy.",
                "validatedEmail": "Nefunkční nebo chybná emailová adresa.",
                "invalidValue": "Chybně vyplněná hodnota."
    "en": {
        "vueFormInputs": {
            "feedback": {
                "required": "This field must be filled.",
                "minLength": "The value must be at least {minLength} characters long.",
                "maxLength": "The value must be at most {maxLength} characters long.",
                "minValue": "The value must be at least {minValue}.",
                "maxValue": "The value must be at most {maxValue}.",
                "between": "The value must be between {betweenMin} and {betweenMax}.",
                "alpha": "Only letters are allowed.",
                "alphaNum": "Only letters and numbers are allowed.",
                "numeric": "Only numbers are allowed.",
                "integer": "Only whole numbers are allowed.",
                "decimal": "Only decimal numbers are allowed.",
                "email": "Incorrect email address format.",
                "ipAddress": "Incorrect IP address format.",
                "macAddress": "Incorrect MAC address format.",
                "sameAs": "The values are not identical.",
                "url": "Incorrect URL address format.",
                "validatedEmail": "Broken or incorrect email address.",
                "invalidValue": "Incorrectly filled value."