Rocket-lang provides a configurable enum type for multi-language rocket applications.
A request guard corresponding to the ISO 639-1 code standard. Usage example:
fn some_path(lang: LangCode) -> Template {
// we can now choose which template to display
// based of the user's language preference
let path = format!("home/{}", LangCode);
Template::render(path, json!({}))
The behavior of the enum can be configured with the Config
structure, which can be attached to a rocket instance.
When this is not used, the guard defaults to English.
If the preferred method for language resolution is the http accept-language header, the qualities for each language can be set like this:
let config = Config::new();
let config[Es] = 1.0;
let config[En] = 0.5;
The guard can also be configured to extract the language code from a fixed position in the path:
/// takes the language code from the last path segment:
let config = Config::new().url(-1);
This way the language code can be retrieved from a positional url segment.
fn see_lang(lang: LangCode) -> &'static str {
If none of the previous approaches suit your needs, you may also use a closure to create a language code from a request:
let config = Config::custom(|req: &Request|{
let lang = from_url(req)?;
Other request guards can consume the structure in their API. Most notably, it can be used by foreign structures to return error messages in multiple languages.
use rocket_lang::Error;
// here the error message displayed by
// `Unauthorized` will automatically suit the callers configuration.
fn unauthorized() -> Unauthorized {
// A possible implementation of `Unauthorized`
impl<'r, 'o: 'r> Responder<'r, 'o> for Unauthorized {
fn respond_to(self, request: &'r Request<'_>) -> rocket::response::Result<'o> {
let lang: LangCode = request
.map_err(|x: Error| x.status())?;
let msg = match lang {
LangCode::Es => "No autorizado",
LangCode::Fr => "Non autorisé",
LangCode::Ge => "Nicht autorisiert",
_ => "Unauthorized",