
This project is a light open-source library that improves the sharing experience on Android.

Primary LanguageJava


Maven Central

Android Arsenal

This project is a light open-source library that improves the sharing experience on Android.


Nowadays, sharing content is part of our daily life. Unfortunately, the Android framework tools do not provide a sharing experience which reaches all of our expectations. We decided to implement our own tool, IntentShare, that might improve the user experience of a sharing action by :

  • providing different extras according to the chosen target activity in order to take advantages of each target's specificities.
  • providing an easy way to track the selected target activities in order to improve/adapt the extras for a specific target.
  • providing a sorted target activity list based on the context of your app in order to take advantages of how people use it.

Find more about our motivations here.

Sample app

Sample app available on the PlayStore

Gradle dependency

available on jcenter.

compile 'fr.tvbarthel.intentshare:library:0.0.4'


compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.0.0'
compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:25.0.0'


Simple usage

    .text("Default text you would like to share.")

Dialog label

    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")


    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")

Extra Provider

An extra provider can specify shared content for a given target activity.

Build-in extra provider


    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")


    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")
    .twitterBody("Tweet can only have 140 char!")

Mail clients

    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")
    .mailSubject("Mail subject.")
    .mailBody("Extended text you would like to share in mail body.")

Custom extra provider

    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")
        new IntentShare.ExtraProvider("com.google.android.gm")
            .overrideSubject("Gmail subject, no mail body.")

By default, an ExtraProvider will copy the default shared content. Replace default shared content :

 * Provide a specific text for the linked package name.
 * @param text text which will be used as {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_TEXT}
 * @return {@link ExtraProvider} for chaining.
public ExtraProvider overrideText(String text);

 * Provide a specific subject for the linked package name.
 * @param subject subject which will be used as {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_SUBJECT}
 * @return {@link ExtraProvider} for chaining.
public ExtraProvider overrideSubject(String subject);

 * Provide a specific image for the linked package name.
 * @param image image which will be used as {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_STREAM}
 * @return {@link ExtraProvider} for chaining.
public ExtraProvider overrideImage(Uri image);

Avoid copying default shared content without overriding:

 * Disable the extra {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_TEXT} for the linked package
 * to avoid a copy from the default {@link IntentShare} text.
 * @return {@link ExtraProvider} for chaining.
public ExtraProvider disableText();

 * Disable the extra {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_SUBJECT} for the linked package
 * to avoid a copy from the default {@link IntentShare} subject.
 * @return {@link ExtraProvider} for chaining.
public ExtraProvider disableSubject();

 * Disable the extra {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_STREAM} for the linked package
 * to avoid a copy from the default {@link IntentShare} image.
 * @return {@link ExtraProvider} for chaining.
public ExtraProvider disableImage();


intentShareListener = new IntentShareListener() {
    public void onCompleted(String packageName) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted : " + packageName);

    public void onCanceled() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onCanceled");

    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")

Icon loader

Default icon loader used to load target activities icons is based on AsyncTask.


If your are already using Picasso, you may want to consider using PicassoIconLoader:

compile 'fr.tvbarthel.intentshare:picasso-loader:0.0.4'
    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")
    .iconLoader(new PicassoIconLoader())


If your are already using Glide, you may want to consider using GlideIconLoader:

compile 'fr.tvbarthel.intentshare:glide-loader:0.0.4'
    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")
    .iconLoader(new GlideIconLoader())

Custom icon loader

Implement your own IconLoader:

    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")
    .iconLoader(new IconLoader() {
        public void load(Uri iconUri, ImageView imageView) {


        public void cancel(ImageView imageView) {


Comparator provider

By default, target activities are sorted based on the recency of their selection from your app.

         * Comparator used to sort {@link TargetActivity} based on the recency of their previous
         * selection and their default order as fallback when they have never been selected.
         * <p/>
         * The ordering imposed by this comparator on a set of {@link TargetActivity}
         * is not consistent with equals since c.compare(e1, e2)==0 has not the same boolean
         * value as e1.equals(e2).
        public RecencyComparatorProvider() {


Instead of using the default comparator, you can implement your own comparator provider in order to customize the target activities order display to the user:

 * ˙Interface which allow to define which comparator will be provided for sorting the
 * target activity inside the {@link TargetChooserActivity}.
public interface TargetActivityComparatorProvider extends Parcelable {

     * Provide the comparator used to sort {@link TargetActivity} displayed to the user.
     * @return comparator used to sort {@link TargetActivity} displayed to the user.
    Comparator<TargetActivity> provideComparator();
    .chooserTitle("Select a sharing target : ")
    .text("Default text you would like to share.")

An example from the sample can be found here : SocialTargetActivityComparatorProvider.java

Release Note

  • 0.0.4: min sdk set to 14.
  • 0.0.3: Tweet length check no longer performed (see #39). allowbackup disable by default.

What's next

  • Providing easier way to share images.
  • Removing dependencies on support libraries.
  • Sample : implementing image selection for extra provider.


Contributions are very welcome (: You can contribute through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request.

When submitting code, please make sure ./gradlew check succeed.


Copyright (C) 2016 tvbarthel

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Special Thanks to ...

Vincent Brison https://github.com/vincentbrison , for his precious advice. Stéphane Guérin https://github.com/guerwan , for his helpful feedback. Romain Zanon https://github.com/romainz , for his early day support.