This gem simply offers the recently removed deploy:web:disable
and deploy:web:enable
tasks to your Capistrano 2 deployment.
NOTE This version only works with Capistrano 2.x. For a Capistrano 3 compatible version please use the official extension.
Install the gem via rubygems:
gem install capistrano-maintenance --version=0.0.5
or use bundler:
# Gemfile
gem 'capistrano-maintenance', '0.0.5', group: 'development'
bundle install
And put this line into your deploy.rb file:
require 'capistrano/maintenance'
Now, you can disable the web:
cap deploy:web:disable
You can also specify a string to specify reason and how long it is until:
cap deploy:web:disable REASON="For server upgrades" UNTIL="3AM EST"
When maintenance is done, you can enable the web:
cap deploy:web:enable
If you are using multistage capistrano, you'll also need to include the stage before deploy:web:disable
and deploy:web:enable
cap production deploy:web:disable
cap production deploy:web:enable
Everything should work out of the box general, but there are some additional adjustments you can make in your deploy.rb.
# change the default filename from maintenance.html to disabled.html
set :maintenance_basename, 'disabled'
# change default directory from default of #{shared_path}/system
set :maintenance_dirname, "#{shared_path}/public/system"
# use local template instead of included one with capistrano-maintenance
set :maintenance_template_path, 'app/views/maintenance.html.erb'
# disable the warning on how to configure your server
set :maintenance_config_warning, false
For your custom maintenance template, you have access to the following variables, if they're defined:
- reason
- deadline
These are the environment variables passed in via REASON="something" and UNTIL="later"