Brain web API documentation

This document contains the official Intellifi Brain web API documentation. The web API is a RESTful API that allows you to interact with our devices in a powerful and simple way. Our end-to-end solution allows you to localize your items based on RFID and Bluetooth Smart technologies.

By default the web API is accessible on: https://brain_host/api/resource.format/id

  • brain_host will be provided to you when you are evaluating or purchasing our product. Please contact us if you want to do some experiments. We can provide information about our public sandbox.
  • resource shall contain the resource that you want to query.
  • optional format field allows you to request a different output format (json, csv or txt). The default (and most used) serialization is JSON. For this reason you may completely leave out the extension.
  • optional id indicates which specific resource you wish to access. Please refer to the individual resources for more information on the type of id that is used. If you omit id the server will return a list with all items in the resource.

You can authenticate your HTTP requests with an API key. You may add this key to query paramters (?key=your_key)) or as an extra header X-Api-Key=your_key. Your login session to the Brain will also authenticate web API requests from your browser. This makes exploring the web API easier. More important details on security can be found on this page.

As with every web API you can request new information by performing HTTP requests. We also offer pushing technologies. Instead of polling for the changes, pushing technology will allow you to be directly informed when something changes.


Getting started

We do advise you to take a quick look at our quick start for some hints and tooling. In the rest of the documentation we assume that you understand HTTP, JSON and that you know which tools you can use to work with them.

Go to Getting started


The Intellifi concept is based upon items and locations. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these definitions. They will make it way easier to understand this API.


An item is an object (or even a person) that you tag using a RFID emitter. Currently our eco system can detect both RFID EPC Gen2 tags, also know as RAIN RFID tags, and modern Bluetooth LE beacons (iBeacon and Eddystone). When an item is detected for the first time by one of our devices, it's immediately available as a resource in our web API. Our system keeps this resource as a reference to this item. You can use it to see where the item is or where it has been seen for the last time.


A location is an abstaction of a physical location in which items can be detected or moved to.

The actual detections are made and transmitted to our server by devices called SmartSpot that you install at the physical location.

The detection area is limited to the range of the used RFID technology. Passive EPC Gen2 tags have a range of approximately 12 meters, Bluetooth LE beacons can easily have a range of 100+ meters.

A location is not limited to one SmartSpot. It is possible to use multiple SmartSpots to report to one location (i.e. To cover a large area, hall, entrances/exits, etc..).

If multiple SmartSpots are reporting to a one location then the events will be merged at server level. Please note that the location is a server-side abstraction that allows you to be flexible when you have multiple SmartSpots.

Some types of SmartSpot devices offer the option to connect (extra) external antennas. By default they are used to enlarge the detection range, but it's also possible to configure individual external antennas to report their detections to seperate locations.

Location configuration is done automatically when you connect a SmartSpot to a Brain server for the first time. A default location will be created, the location label contains the serial number of the SmartSpot (i.e 'spot203'). You can easily change this label by doing a PUT on the location resource itself. We encourage you to add a meaningful name to a location (e.g. 'kitchen') as it's being used in the user interface at several places.


The top level resources are all collections, they contain the individual resources. Queries to these resources are wrapped inside a query object with information about the query and an array with the results.


Individual resources always start with the url and id field. They are both unique identifiers of a resource (the url is actually built with the id). The id is always generated by the Brain server and is chronological as well. This means that you can sort on the id if you wish. You may add the id_only=true condition to the query part of the url if you don't wish to receive the url field(s). This option will also apply to resource references. The url fields are shown by default to increase explorability of the API. If you are creating an automated import then you probably want to add id_only=true to all of your requests.

Time fields

Most time fields are appended with _time, the value is always an ISO 8601 timestring in the UTC time zone, e.g. '2016-01-27T08:38:55.255Z'. The precision may vary, we add the number of milliseconds if avaialble.

Resource collections

In the table below is a list of all the resource collections. An detailed description of each individual resource type and their fields, is available on this page.

Name Description
spots Status and config information for Intellifi SmartSpot devices.
locations Locations that SmartSpots devices may report to.
items All detected items.
presences Live item detections at locations. Be aware that items can be detected at multiple locations at the same time!
sets Create your Item sets; a collection of Items that should grouped.
subscriptions Subscriptions to receive events and configure Webhooks.
events Collection of events.
services Background processes overview and configuration.


You can query a resource collection by sending an HTTP request. This request may contain query parameters to further specify your query.

Keyword Description Default Example
after, before Limits on time_created, exclusive. ?after=2016-01-27T08:38:55.255Z
after_id, before_id Limits directly on id excludes the given id value, please note that id is chronological. ?after_id=56a88364e783152127d15340
from, until Limits on time_created, inclusive. ?until=2016-01-27T08:38:55.255Z
from_id, until_id Limits on id, includes the given id value. ?from_id=56a88364e783152127d15340
id_only Removes url fields from output and shows _id instead of _url in references. false ?id_only=true
results_only Removes wrapping JSON object with information about query, only sends back a JSON array with the applicable resources false ?results_only=true
sort Allows you to sort on on or more fields in the resource. You may append a minus sign (-) to request reverse order (new to old). -id ?sort=-move_count,technology
populate Expand a reference into the actual resource (lookup). You may add multiple fields by giving a comma seperated value. ?populate=location,item
limit Sets the maximum number of returned resources. You may increase this number to large values, keep in mind that query times could become large. We advise you to use the pagination feature whenever you can. 100 ?limit=5

You can also query on one or more resource fields in your query parameters. Just add the field/value combinations that you want to query on. Multiple fields are combined with a logical AND (at this moment we don't support OR). I.e:


String fields can be queried with wildcards: label=tag would match mytag1, mytag2 etc. Pleae note that this is not supported for the code_hex field in the items resource, it's a binary field at this moment.

The default query behaviour (when no query paramters are given) is that the last 100 resources are shown (newest resources are shown first). The collections are paginated when they contain more than 100 resources. You can follow the next_url to retrieve the rest of the resources.


Most resources contain one or more fields that reference another resource in the API. For example, an item resource will be pointing to some location. These references can be shown in three ways, depending on the arguments that you supply in the query part of your request url.

  1. By default it's shown as a url. This helps you in navigating to it, if you have the right browser extension then you can just click it. The '_url' is postfixed to the field name. E.g. location becomes location_url.

  2. If you add id_only=true in the query then only the id of the resource is shown. The name of the field is postfixed with '_id'. E.g. location becomes location_id.

  3. If you add populate=fieldname,fieldname2,etc in the query string then the brain will try to add the documents as an extra level in the results. The name of the field is not appended with a postfix in this case. If the lookup fails then null is returned as value.