
location routing plug example

Primary LanguageElixir


This is an example project demonstrating the Location plug. It demonstrates jumping to different modules for further routing. It is likely most useful in umbrella applications to serve multiple applications using the same endpoint but on different "locations". This allows for easy addition of an umbrella application without the need to maintain a single router.

A location is the first path after /. For example /api will route to LocationRouting.Api.Location. Please read location.ex to see how that works.


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000/api from your browser.

Make sure to also visit /file. A fallback for the root hasn't been implemented.


  1. You can use forward from the router. However that requires maintaining a single file with all forwards. That is something I like to prevent for my usecase. Another downside is that it removes the first part of the path.
  2. See anoter option at SO - How to structure a Phoenix umbrella framework for many applications

Relevant parts

The plug itself (simplified)

  def call(%{path_info: [path|_]} = conn, opts) do
    path = path |> String.downcase() |> Macro.camelize()
    module =
      try do
        Module.safe_concat [LocationRouting, path, Location]
        _ -> nil
    module.call(conn, opts)

In your endpoint (before Router)

plug LocationRoutingWeb.Location

Sample destination

defmodule LocationRouting.Api.Location do
  @moduledoc """
  Example implementing the location plug behaviour.
  use LocationRoutingWeb.Location

  plug :hello

  def hello(conn, opts) do
    send_resp(conn, 200, "hello #{__MODULE__}!")

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