
Capitalize your titles like a professional! A title capitalization library for Elixir.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Hex.pm Version CI Status

Title is a library that aims at capitalizing your titles in a simplified manner. There are a couple of different styles, but they don't differ much. If you do have a preference check out the available styles in Title.Opts.

You can easily pass in some of your own custom words. These are words for which you have your own custom casing. This can also be used to extend the library with abbreviations since they're not (yet?) part of this library. Same goes for names, though many names fall under the default category to be capitalized.


iex> Title.capitalize("`Title` is a library that aims at capitalizing your titles in a simplified manner")
"`Title` Is a Library That Aims at Capitalizing Your Titles in a Simplified Manner"

iex> Title.capitalize("You can easily pass in some of your own 'custom' words", custom: ["CUSTOM"])
"You Can Easily Pass in Some of Your Own 'CUSTOM' Words"

iex> Title.capitalize("The default style has *underneath* capitalized")
"The Default Style Has *Underneath* Capitalized"

iex> Title.capitalize("The chicago style has *underneath* NOT capitalized", style: :chicago)
"The Chicago Style Has *underneath* Not Capitalized"

iex> Title.capitalized?("Is My Title Properly Capitalized?")


The package can be installed by adding titlex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:titlex, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/titlex.
