Table of Contents


In this project, we will set up a wifi server and control the bot using our phone

Project Workflow

  • learn to make and design a joystick webpage to help users control the bot
  • testing the webpage by checking if the coordinates are correctly updated on the terminal.
  • understand the line following the code of wall e .
  • structuring an algorithm for controlling motor speeds according to the readings from the joystick webpage.
  • testing whether the bot is stopping properly according to the joystick
  • giving additional power to specific motors in specific cases for proper turning



File Structure

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── build
├── frontend
│   └── joystick.html
├── main
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── Kconfig
│   ├── component.mk
│   ├── include
│   ├── line_following.c
│   ├── tuning_http_server.c
│   └── wifi_handler.c
├── partition_table.csv
├── sdkconfig
├── sdkconfig.defaults
└── sdkconfig.old

11 directories, 38 files

Getting Started


To download and use this code, the minimum requirements are:


Clone the project by typing the following command in your Terminal/CommandPrompt

git clone https://github.com/tvilight4/Wifi_control_bot.git 

Navigate to the 7_linefollowing

cd 7_linefollowing


Once the requirements are satisfied, you can easily download the project and use it on your machine. After following the above steps, use the following commands:

To activate the IDF


To build the code

idf.py build

To flash the code

idf.py -p (PORT) flash monitor

Future Work

  • Implementing better algorithms for turning
  • Improve the design and model of the bot
  • Achieve more accuracy in turning by adding the self-balancing feature along with the remote controlling


Acknowledgements and References


MIT License