
Map bike commuting speed using strava activities

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A script to draw maps and animations of my daily bike commuting activities, initially recorded with Strava.

The script reads Strava activities gpx files and computes velocity. The data points are rasterized, daily mean velocity is computed for each pixel, and results are and stored in an xarray, and can be filtered over time and space. The output are a map of average velocity over whole timeframe, a map for each daily results, and an animation based on the daily maps.


Requires Python 3 with the following packages (listed in environment.yml):

  • xmltodict
  • numpy
  • xarray
  • matplotlib
  • tqdm
  • pandas
  • cartopy
  • scipy
  • opencv
  • pyepsg
  • shapely


  • Create the necessary environment using for example conda env create -f environment.yml.
  • Create a custom config file named config/config.ini based on the example given in config/example_config.ini.


  • Run the main script velotafmap/velotafmap.py using the corresponding environment and the --input_dir and --output_dir arguments.


Please feel free to contribute by opening issues or pull-requests!