
CommonJS module to handle push notifications for both iOS and Android into Appcelerator Titanium apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yes you can use it with your self-hosted server or any other cloud services like Parse.com or Appcelerator cloud.

Get it gitTio

Download the latest distribution ZIP-file with latest Android GCM module and consult the Titanium Documentation on how install it, or simply use the gitTio CLI:

$ gittio install ti-push-notification

How to

Titanium has APIs for iOS push notifications, but unfortunately you need module to for Android.

  1. Install this CommonJS module

Note: Android GCM module will be installed automaticly

$ gittio install ti-push-notification

  1. Add this code into your app.js or alloy.js
if (Ti.Platform.name === 'android') {
  // set android-only options
  var pnOptions = {
    senderId: 'XXXXXXXX', // It's the same as your project id
    notificationSettings: {
      sound: 'mysound.mp3', // Place soudn file in platform/android/res/raw/mysound.mp3
      smallIcon: 'appicon.png', // Place icon in platform/android/res/drawable/notification_icon.png
      largeIcon: 'appicon.png', // Same
      vibrate: true, // Whether the phone should vibrate
      insistent: true, // Whether the notification should be insistent
      group: 'News', // Name of group to group similar notifications together
      localOnly: false, // Whether this notification should be bridged to other devices
      priority: 2 // Notification priority, from -2 to 2

} else if (Ti.Platform.name === 'iPhone OS') { // set ios-only options.
  // Sets interactive notifications as well if iOS8 and above. Interactive notifications is optional.
  if (parseInt(Ti.Platform.version.split(".")[0], 10) >= 8) {
    var thumbUpAction = Ti.App.iOS.createUserNotificationAction({
      identifier: "THUMBUP_IDENTIFIER",
      title: "Agree",
      destructive: false,
      authenticationRequired: false

    var thumbDownAction = Ti.App.iOS.createUserNotificationAction({
      identifier: "THUMBDOWN_IDENTIFIER",
      title: "Disagree",
      destructive: false,
      authenticationRequired: false

    var thumbUpDownCategory = Ti.App.iOS.createUserNotificationCategory({
      identifier: "THUMBUPDOWN_CATEGORY",
      // The following actions will be displayed for an alert dialog
      actionsForDefaultContext: [thumbUpAction, thumbDownAction],
      // The following actions will be displayed for all other notifications
      actionsForMinimalContext: [thumbUpAction, thumbDownAction]

    var pnOptions = {
      categories: [thumbUpDownCategory]
  } else { //No support for interactive notifications, omit categories
    var pnOptions = {

// set cross-platform event
var onReceive = function(event) {
  // Your code here

// Create instance with base url
var tiPush = require('ti-push-notification').init({
  backendUrl: "http://domain.tld/register.php"

// register this device
  pnOptions: pnOptions,
  onReceive: onReceive


Your issues and pull requests are most welcome, also you can pick a task from TODOs.


  1. Server-side snippets for PHP and NodeJS
  2. Parse.com example
  3. Wordpress self-hosted example
  4. APN Server API setup tutorial
  5. GCM Server API setup tutorial
  6. Add option to depend on CaffeinaLab GCM or Jeroen GCM module.


Implementation changed, no need for factory, use init function directly Now module Titaniumified

Initialed base of ACS Push Notifications


This module is based on ACS Push Notifications CommonJS module by my Ricardo Alcocer.


Original code written in my full-time @ Rize Inno, code open source by Rize Innovations, FZO under MIT license.