
Simple Java singleton dependency injection via Reflections.

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Simple Java singleton dependency injection via Reflections.

What is wireable good for?

Almost everyone, who is used to dependency injections, likes the idea of injecting of services via an annotation in a class. For some microprojects or microservices could be Deltaspike, Spring, etc. incredible large with many function, that will not be used.

How does it works?

Wireable allows to create very simple application context, that scans defined package (and its subpackages). All classes with annotation @Wireable are added into the mentioned application context as an instance. These classes will have injected all members with annotation @Wired with reflections and then all methods (without arguments) with annotations @OnCreate and @OnStartup are executed.

Interfaces as @Wired

Since 0.3.0 interfaces are supported as @Wired classes. If multiple classes points to similar interface, it it better to specify in your @Wireable annotation the priorityFor value by interface class.

But why?

Wireable is dependency-free with minimal size in units of kilobytes.




Try to image a simple HTTP server, that serves data from database.


package test.project;

import cz.tvrzna.wireable.WireableContext;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.exceptions.WireableException;

public class Main
	public static void main(String[] args)
		catch (WireableException e)


package test.project;

import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.OnCreate;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.Wireable;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.enums.PriorityLevel;

public class DatabaseService
	private String[] data;

	private void init()
		data = new String[]	{ "First", "Second", "Third" };

	@OnCreate(priority = PriorityLevel.LOW)
	private void reinit()
		data = new String[] { "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth"};

	public String[] getData()
		return data;

	public void removeUserSession(Long id)
		// Remove token


package test.project;

import cz.tvrzna.wireable.WireableContext;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.OnEvent;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.OnStartup;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.Wireable;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.Wired;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.exceptions.WireableException;

public class WebserverService
	private DatabaseService databaseService;

	private void start()
		// Create endpoint, that points on URL and method handleRequest
		// Start server

	public Response handleRequest(HttpRequest request) throws WireableException
		WireableContext.fireEvent("doLogout", 1200l);
		return Response.ok(databaseService.getData()).build();


package test.project;

import cz.tvrzna.wireable.WireableContext;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.OnEvent;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.OnStartup;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.Unwireable;
import cz.tvrzna.wireable.exceptions.WireableException;

public class WatcherService
	private void onStartup()
		// Watch some data changes

	public void logout(Long id) throws WireableException
		LateClass watcher = new LateClass();


package test.project;

import cz.tvrzna.wireable.annotations.Wired;

public class LateClass
	private DatabaseService databaseService;

	public void handleId(Long id)

Explanation of example

  1. WireableContext.init("test.project"); starts initialization of the WireableContext on the start of Main class and scans package test.project, which contains these classes.
  2. DatabaseService and WebserverService are initialized as instance, since they have @Wireable or @Unwireable annotation, and are put into HashMap in WireableContext. These classes needs to have the constructor without arguments.
  3. DatabaseService and WebserverService are listed for @Wired annotation members. WebserverService has one, so it adds reference of DatabaseService from WireableContext on member named databaseService. @Unwireable clases could not by @Wired.
  4. Both service classes are scanned for methods without arguments with annotation @OnCreate, it is aware of OnCreate priority level. DatabaseService has private method init(), so this method is invoked and variable data is set.
  5. As it was in step before, classes are scanned again, but for methods without arguments with @OnStartup annotation. WebserverService has private method start(), so this method is invoked and server is started.
  6. If handleRequest method is called, it calls event doLogout. That invokes method annotated as @OnEvent("doLogout") with all passed arguments.
  7. When logout method of WatcherService is called, it creates new instance of LateClass. This method is out of context, but all @Wired annotated members, becames accessable. This kind of classes could have any constructor, but @OnCreate, @OrStartup nor @OnEvent methods are not invoked.