A Server and Client demonstrating Automerge over WebSocket using the Automerge.Connection
Client side state management is based on Recoil.
This example demonstrates:
- Real time collaboration / Sync of state between server and many clients
- Per user undo-redo stack
- History / Timetravel
lerna boostrap
# start server
nodemon --ext js packages/automerge-server-test
# start web client
cd packages/automerge-web
yarn start
# start cli client
node packages/automerge-client-test
> s a5 # subscribe to 'a5'
> c a5 x 6 # change property 'x' to 6 in document 'a5'
> p a6 # print document 'a5
- Re-subscribe after unsubscribe does not work currently
- How big can documents get until we run into problems?
- Why is the history not computed on demand?
- Why does undo not work after reload? (actorId?)
- How to incrementally persist data on the sever?
- Simulate offline state by blocking socket
- Client side persistance / Offline support
- Presence sync / Unqiue user IDs (and colors)
- Client focus tracking and sync
- "push --force" on click
- "fork" on click
- Document list as recoil atom
- UI fields