
SSR friendly Google Optimize module for Nuxt.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm (scoped with tag) npm CircleCI Codecov Dependencies js-standard-style CircleCI

SSR friendly Google Optimize module for Nuxt.js

📖 Release Notes


  • Support multiple experiments (AB or MVT[Multi-Variant])
  • Auto assign experiment/variant to users
  • SSR support using cookies
  • CSS and state injection
  • Automatically revoke expired experiments from testers
  • Ability to assign experiments based on context conditions (Route, State, etc)


  • Add nuxt-google-optimize dependency using yarn or npm to your project
yarn add nuxt-google-optimize


npm install nuxt-google-optimize --save
  • Add nuxt-google-optimize to modules section of nuxt.config.js
  modules: [

  googleOptimize: {
    /* container Id required for async-hide */
    containerId: 'GTM-XXXXXXX',

    /*** Optional options: ***/

    /* Disable cookies on server side */
    disableServerCookies: true,

    /* Directory of experiments */
    experimentsDir: '~/experiments',

    /* Max age after which experiments are disabled */
    maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // 1 Week

    /* ??? */
    // pushPlugin: true,


Create experiments directory inside your project.

Create experiments/index.js to define all available experiments:

import backgroundColor from './background-color'

export default {
  /* Define experiment list */
  experiments: [ backgroundColor ]

Extended (optional options) are:

export default {
  /* Callback that is called when async-hide is initialized. */

  /* Callback that is called when async-hide is ready. Usually you want to
  remove your 'async-hide' class from body here. */

  /* Timeout when onGoogleOptimizeReady is triggered, if not triggered
  successfully before. */
  asyncHideTimeout: 4000,

  /* Ship pre-rendered page with hide-async css class in body? */
  ssrShipWithAsyncHide: true,

  /* Disable cookies during development */
  devResetCookie: false,

  /* List of experiments */
  experiments: [

Creating an experiment

Each experiment should export an object to define itself.


export default {
  // A helper exp-{name}-{var} class will be added to the root element
  name: 'background-color',

  // Google optimize experiment id
  experimentID: '....',

  // [optional] specify number of sections for MVT experiments
  // sections: 1,

  // [optional] maxAge for a user to test this experiment
  // maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24, // 24 hours,

  // [optional] Enable/Set experiment on certain conditions
  // isEligible: ({ route }) => route.path !== '/foo'

  // Implemented variants and their weights
  variants: [
    { weight: 0 }, // <-- This is the default variant
    { weight: 2 },
    { weight: 1 }


Global object $exp will be universally injected in the app context to determine the currently active experiment.

It has the following keys:

  // Index of currently active experiment
  "$experimentIndex": 0,

  // Indext of currently active experiment variants
  "$variantIndexes": [

  // Same as $variantIndexes but each item is the real variant object
  "$activeVariants": [
      /* */

  // Classes to be globally injected (see global style tests section)
  "$classes": [
    "exp-background-color-1" // exp-{experiment-name}-{variant-id}

  // All of the keys of currently active experiment are available
  "name": "background-color",
  "experimentID": "testid",
  "sections": 1,
  "maxAge": 60,
  "variants": [
    /* all variants */

Using inside components:

export default {
  methods: {
    foo() {
      // You can use this.$exp here

Using inside templates:

<div v-if="$exp.name === 'something'">
  <!-- You can optionally use $exp.$activeVariants and $exp.$variantIndexes here -- >
<div v-else>

Global style tests

Inject global styles to page body.



export default {
      head () {
        return {
            bodyAttrs: {
                class: this.$exp.$classes.join(' ')

If you have custom CSS for each test, you can import it inside your experiment's .js file.


import './styles.scss'

With Sass:

.exp-background-color {
  // ---------------- Variant 1 ----------------
  &-1 {
    background-color: red;
  // ---------------- Variant 2 ----------------
  &-2 {
    background-color: blue;

With CSS:

/* Variant 1 */
.exp-background-color-1 {
  background-color: red;

/* Variant 2 */
.exp-background-color-2 {
  background-color: blue;


Can be used in ~/experiments/index.js. Import with:

import {
  devNoCookie } from 'nuxt-google-optimize/helper'


Disables Cookies. Syntax:



Disable all experiments. Syntax:



Force experiment and variant. Syntax:

devForceExperimentAndVariant(config, expName, variantIndex, sectionIndex = 0)


Force experiment. Syntax:

devForceExperiment(config, expName)


  • Clone this repository
  • Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  • Start development server using yarn run dev or npm run dev
  • Point your browser to http://localhost:3000
  • You will see a different colour based on the variant set for you
  • In order to test your luck, try clearing your cookies and see if the background colour changes or not

Release (to user repo)

npm pack # ?
git tag v0.5.3-mod
git push origin --tags

TODO (tw00)

  • Experiment might get changed by user, the cookie becomes invalid then


MIT License - Alibaba Travels Co