Application Gateway

This module will create an application gateway.

You can optionally configure the following:

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Application Gateway Firewall Policy
  • Key vault integration with a managed identity for certificate retrieval
  • Diagnostic logs and resource lock


Example 1 - Application Gateway with diagnostic logs and resource lock

param deploymentName string = 'appgw${utcNow()}'

module appGateway 'applicationgateway.bicep' = {
  name: deploymentName
  params: {
    applicationGatewayName: 'MyApplicationGateway'
    sku: 'Standard_v2'
    tier: 'Standard_v2'
    zoneRedundant: true
    publicIpAddressName: 'MyPublicIpAddress'
    vNetResourceGroup: 'MyVnetResourceGroup'
    vNetName: 'MyVnetName'
    subnetName: 'MySubnetName'
    frontEndPorts: [
        name: 'port_80'
        port: 80
    httpListeners: [
        name: 'MyHttpListener'
        protocol: 'Http'        
        frontEndPort: 'port_80'
    backendAddressPools: [
        name: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendAddresses: [
            ipAddress: ''
    backendHttpSettings: [
        name: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'
        port: 80
        protocol: 'Http'
        cookieBasedAffinity: 'Enabled'
        affinityCookieName: 'MyCookieAffinityName'
        requestTimeout: 300
        connectionDraining: {
          drainTimeoutInSec: 60
          enabled: true
    rules: [
        name: 'MyRuleName'
        ruleType: 'Basic'
        listener: 'MyHttpListener'
        backendPool: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendHttpSettings: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'
    enableDeleteLock: true
    enableDiagnostics: true
    logAnalyticsWorkspaceId: 'MyLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId'
    diagnosticStorageAccountId: 'MyStorageAccountResourceId'

Example 2 - Application Gateway with WAF

param deploymentName string = 'appgw${utcNow()}'

module appGateway 'applicationgateway.bicep' = {
  name: deploymentName
  params: {
    applicationGatewayName: 'MyApplicationGateway'
    sku: 'WAF_v2'
    tier: 'WAF_v2'
    zoneRedundant: true
    enableWebApplicationFirewall: true
    firewallPolicyName: 'MyFirewallPolicyName'
    publicIpAddressName: 'MyPublicIpAddress'
    vNetResourceGroup: 'MyVnetResourceGroup'
    vNetName: 'MyVnetName'
    subnetName: 'MySubnetName'
    frontEndPorts: [
        name: 'port_80'
        port: 80
    httpListeners: [
        name: 'MyHttpListener'
        protocol: 'Http'        
        frontEndPort: 'port_80'
    backendAddressPools: [
        name: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendAddresses: [
            ipAddress: ''
    backendHttpSettings: [
        name: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'
        port: 80
        protocol: 'Http'
        cookieBasedAffinity: 'Enabled'
        affinityCookieName: 'MyCookieAffinityName'
        requestTimeout: 300
        connectionDraining: {
          drainTimeoutInSec: 60
          enabled: true
    rules: [
        name: 'MyRuleName'
        ruleType: 'Basic'
        listener: 'MyHttpListener'
        backendPool: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendHttpSettings: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'

Example 3 - Application Gateway with custom probe

param deploymentName string = 'appgw${utcNow()}'

module appGateway 'applicationgateway.bicep' = {
  name: deploymentName
  params: {
    applicationGatewayName: 'MyApplicationGateway'
    sku: 'WAF_v2'
    tier: 'WAF_v2'
    enableWebApplicationFirewall: true
    firewallPolicyName: 'MyFirewallPolicyName'
    publicIpAddressName: 'MyPublicIpAddress'
    vNetResourceGroup: 'MyVnetResourceGroup'
    vNetName: 'MyVnetName'
    subnetName: 'MySubnetName'
    customProbes: [
        name: 'MyCustomProbe'        
        protocol: 'Http'
        host: ''
        path: '/'
        interval: 30
        timeout: 10
        unhealthyThreshold: 3
        pickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings: false
        minServers: 0
        match: {
          statusCodes: [
    frontEndPorts: [
        name: 'port_80'
        port: 80
    httpListeners: [
        name: 'MyHttpListener'
        protocol: 'Http'        
        frontEndPort: 'port_80'
    backendAddressPools: [
        name: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendAddresses: [
            ipAddress: ''
    backendHttpSettings: [
        name: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'
        port: 80
        protocol: 'Http'
        cookieBasedAffinity: 'Enabled'
        affinityCookieName: 'MyCookieAffinityName'
        requestTimeout: 300
        connectionDraining: {
          drainTimeoutInSec: 60
          enabled: true
        probeName: 'MyCustomProbe'
    rules: [
        name: 'MyRuleName'
        ruleType: 'Basic'
        listener: 'MyHttpListener'
        backendPool: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendHttpSettings: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'

Example 4 - Application Gateway with redirection rule

param deploymentName string = 'appgw${utcNow()}'

module appGateway 'applicationgateway.bicep' = {
  name: deploymentName
  params: {
    applicationGatewayName: 'MyApplicationGateway'
    sku: 'WAF_v2'
    tier: 'WAF_v2'
    enableWebApplicationFirewall: true
    firewallPolicyName: 'MyFirewallPolicyName'
    publicIpAddressName: 'MyPublicIpAddress'
    vNetResourceGroup: 'MyVnetResourceGroup'
    vNetName: 'MyVnetName'
    subnetName: 'MySubnetName'
    redirectConfigurations: [
        name: 'MyRedirectonRuleName'
        redirectType: 'Permanent'
        targetUrl: ''
        includePath: true
        includeQueryString: true
        requestRoutingRule: 'MyRuleName'
    customProbes: [
        name: 'MyCustomProbe'        
        protocol: 'Http'
        host: ''
        path: '/'
        interval: 30
        timeout: 10
        unhealthyThreshold: 3
        pickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings: false
        minServers: 0
        match: {
          statusCodes: [
    frontEndPorts: [
        name: 'port_80'
        port: 80
    httpListeners: [
        name: 'MyHttpListener'
        protocol: 'Http'        
        frontEndPort: 'port_80'
    rules: [
        name: 'MyRuleName'
        ruleType: 'Basic'
        listener: 'MyHttpListener'
        redirectConfiguration: 'MyRedirectonRuleName'

Example 5 - Application Gateway retrieving certificates from key vault

param deploymentName string = 'appgw${utcNow()}'

module appGateway 'applicationgateway.bicep' = {
  name: deploymentName
  params: {
    applicationGatewayName: 'MyApplicationGateway'
    sku: 'WAF_v2'
    tier: 'WAF_v2'
    enableWebApplicationFirewall: true
    firewallPolicyName: 'MyFirewallPolicyName'
    publicIpAddressName: 'MyPublicIpAddress'
    vNetResourceGroup: 'MyVnetResourceGroup'
    vNetName: 'MyVnetName'
    subnetName: 'MySubnetName'
    managedIdentityResourceId: 'MyManagedIdentityResourceId'
    sslCertificates: [
        name: 'MySslCertName'
        keyVaultResourceId: 'MyKeyVaultResourceId'
        secretName: 'MySecretName'
    trustedRootCertificates: [
        name: 'MyTrustedRootCertName'
        keyVaultResourceId: 'MyKeyVaultResourceId'
        secretName: 'MySecretName'
    customProbes: [
        name: 'MyCustomProbe'        
        protocol: 'Http'
        host: ''
        path: '/'
        interval: 30
        timeout: 10
        unhealthyThreshold: 3
        pickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings: false
        minServers: 0
        match: {
          statusCodes: [
    frontEndPorts: [
        name: 'port_80'
        port: 80
        name: 'port_443'
        port: 443
    httpListeners: [
        name: 'MyHttpListener'
        protocol: 'Http'        
        frontEndPort: 'port_80'
        name: 'MyHttpsListener'
        protocol: 'Https'
        port: 443
        frontEndPort: 'port_443'
        sslCertificate: 'MySslCertName'
        hostNames: [
        firewallPolicy: 'enabled'
    backendAddressPools: [
        name: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendAddresses: [
            fqdn: ''
    backendHttpSettings: [
        name: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'
        port: 80
        protocol: 'Http'
        cookieBasedAffinity: 'Enabled'
        affinityCookieName: 'MyCookieAffinityName'
        requestTimeout: 300
        connectionDraining: {
          drainTimeoutInSec: 60
          enabled: true
        probeName: 'MyCustomProbe'
        name: 'MyBackendHttpsSetting'
        port: 443
        protocol: 'Https'
        cookieBasedAffinity: 'Disabled'
        requestTimeout: 300
        connectionDraining: {
          drainTimeoutInSec: 60
          enabled: true
        trustedRootCertificate: 'MyTrustedRootCertName'
        hostName: ''
    rules: [
        name: 'MyRuleName'
        ruleType: 'Basic'
        listener: 'MyHttpListener'
        backendPool: 'MyBackendPool'
        backendHttpSettings: 'MyBackendHttpSetting'