This module will create a Network Security group and optionally enable diagnostics logs and a delete lock.
param deploymentName string = 'nsg${utcNow()}'
module nsg './main.bicep' = {
name: deploymentName
params: {
location: resourceGroup().location
nsgName: 'MyNSG'
securityRules: [
name: 'rule1'
properties: {
access: 'Allow'
description: 'rule example'
destinationAddressPrefix: ''
destinationPortRanges: [
direction: 'Inbound'
priority: 150
protocol: 'tcp'
sourceAddressPrefix: ''
sourcePortRanges: [
enableDeleteLock: true
enableDiagnostics: true
logAnalyticsWorkspaceId: 'MyLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId'
diagnosticStorageAccountId: 'MyStorageAccountResourceId'
param deploymentName string = 'nsg${utcNow()}'
module nsg './main.bicep' = {
name: deploymentName
params: {
location: resourceGroup().location
nsgName: 'MyNSG'
securityRules: [
name: 'rule1'
properties: {
access: 'Allow'
description: 'rule example'
destinationAddressPrefix: ''
destinationPortRanges: [
direction: 'Inbound'
priority: 150
protocol: 'tcp'
sourceAddressPrefix: ''
sourcePortRanges: [