
A Cryptographic Library for Smooth Blockchain uses

Primary LanguageSolidity

SmoothCryptoLib (SCL)

A Cryptographic Library for Smooth Blockchain uses.


Clone the repository, then type forge test. (Some troubles are solved running foundryup and forge init --force)


Run deploy.sh to deploy the code on a target chain. The values $RPC and $CHAINID shall be set to the chain ones. The toy private and public key shall be replaced and funded (current can be used for testnet).


Forge results

The benchmarks are performed by averaging forge results over a loop of 100 tests. Be sure to avoid the use of -via-IR and set foundry.toml correctly to reproduce correct measurements.

curve Function gas Comment File
P256 SCL_ECDSAB4.verify 159K ECDSA using RIP7696 (second opcode) libSCL_ECDSAb4.sol

Onchain results

PR # Create2 Mainnets Testnets
N/A 0x05eFAC4C53Ec12F11f144d0a0D18Df6dfDf83409 Sepolia ,Optimism


Team branch Target status
CryptoExperts CryptoExperts P256 In Progress

Curves implementation status

curve status branch Comment File
P256 OK main ECDSA using RIP7696 (first opcode) libSCL_7212.sol
P256 OK main ECDSA using RIP7696 (second opcode) libSCL_ECDSAb4.sol
Ed25519 OK main EDDSA using RIP7696 (first opcode) with isogenies libSCL_RIP6565.sol


The following work has been half-funded by the Ethereum Fundation grant number FY24-1386:

  • ed25519 solidity (libSCL_RIP6565.sol )

SCL is build by the same team of the previous FCL. As such all previous contributors are credited.


License: This software is licensed under MIT License (see LICENSE FILE at root directory of project).