- 7
[Bug] External links not opening
#863 opened by ds201ues - 2
How to build for Windows (MacOS) from Linux (amd64)
#806 opened by mrmuminov - 1
#787 opened by yi4396 - 0
#862 opened by fts11259375 - 0
Allow Geolocations services
#861 opened by vmador - 1
[Bug] 命令行--targets appimage报错
#826 opened by witt-bit - 5
在github action打包添加fullscreen
#813 opened by fcwys - 3
[Bug] 打包完成,网页无法跳转,点击没有反应,windows
#757 opened by wylwangyalong - 0
[Bug] pake url options case error
#853 opened by icai - 1
- 2
[Bug] win 如何关闭edge浏览器的滑动手势
#851 opened by puzzle9 - 0
save last app state or cache!
#848 opened by alfi4000 - 1
Add support for different macOS versions
#847 opened by alfi4000 - 0
Automatic Use of Website Favicon as App Icon
#845 opened by TeoConan - 0
[Bug] 打包本地动态网页(输入表单,与后台交互,获得图表),无法访问http
#842 opened by Wenboli11 - 0
- 0
Implement vditor application with Pake
#835 opened by datgausaigon - 1
Support Multips Apps (Tabs))
#828 opened by yepher - 0
[Bug] Suspicious network requests
#834 opened by hgezim - 2
#824 opened by yike510 - 0
- 1
#822 opened by Gwen0x4c3 - 2
[Bug] Pake打包的deb无法在Manjaro上安装
#825 opened by witt-bit - 1
#817 opened by emotions001 - 1
depreciated node
#808 opened by pinkyellowed - 0
[Bug] Internal links reload complete website
#812 opened by yngwi - 0
appx/msix support
#811 opened by joeyoropesa-dev - 0
pake是否考虑添加对Web Serial API的支持,方便访问串口数据。
#805 opened by lw-tech - 2
--single-instance option
#765 opened by grumphus - 1
[Bug] Gmail attachment bug
#764 opened by grumphus - 1
#798 opened by chmod777john - 1
[Bug] windows system cannot find xxx.msi in folder
#791 opened by long36708 - 0
希望增加对windows on Arm的支持
#790 opened by Keima-Katsuragi - 0
- 3
[Bug] When clicking the close button while the program is in full-screen mode, the entire screen turns black.
#740 opened by knowing-top - 7
[Bug] mac 全屏下点x退出会黑,实际上应用没退出,体验不好,不知道是不是bug
#753 opened by lizhongyuan3 - 2
Add rpm support?
#759 opened by stone-w4tch3r - 2
[Bug] No notifications for instagram
#779 opened by ishaanrathodd - 1
#752 opened by lonngxiang - 1
[Bug] No such file or directory (os error 2)
#738 opened by qhl123456 - 4
- 1
#767 opened by zjzoze - 1
Add shortcut button to borderless fullscreen (equivalent of F11 on browsers)
#782 opened by vampywiz17 - 2
请求添加对 env(safe-area-inset-top) 支持
#783 opened by mkdirnow - 1
#784 opened by foya6 - 1
[Bug] Crashes on Windows 10
#772 opened by Ra2-IFV - 4
No text on title bar
#763 opened by grumphus - 3
- 1
- 1
#739 opened by blysin