
Way to use https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/ on macOS 11

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Way to use Subtitle Edit on macOS 10.12—11.


  1. Download and unzip this repository
  2. Ctrl+click install-mac.command and choose Open. If asked for confirmation, choose Open.
  3. When asked, go to the Subtitle Edit releases page
  4. In the Latest releases section, right click the ZIP for the Portable version, for example SE360.zip and copy the link
  5. Paste the link to Terminal and press Enter.
  6. Wait until the installation of Homebrew, Wine, winetricks and .NET is completed.
  7. Remove the downloaded ZIP and the unzipped folder.

Running GUI app

Open Terminal.app and type:


to run the GUI version of Subtitle Edit. _Note: Use Video > Undock video controls if you cannot see the video playing after you open it.

Using in command-line

Open Terminal.app and type:

subtitleeditw /help

to run the CLI version of Subtitle Edit.


Convert all .srt subtitles in INFOLDER into .srt in the OUTFOLDER and perform some fixes (replace the . in INFOLDER= and OUTFOLDER= with actual folder paths).

INFOLDER=. && OUTFOLDER=. && mkdir -p "$OUTFOLDER" && subtitleeditw /convert '*.srt' subrip /inputfolder:"$INFOLDER" /outputfolder:"$OUTFOLDER" /overwrite /FixCommonErrors /MergeSameTimeCodes /MergeSameTexts /MergeShortLines /RedoCasing;

Note: Use single quotes to surround '*.srt'


  • Shell scripts written by Adam Twardoch
  • Only tested on my machine, no guarantee
  • The Unlicense
  • Subtitle Edit is made by Nikolaj Lynge Olsson