
Yet another .emacs.d

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Yet another .emacs.d

Sun Ra

The Music is different here. The vibrations are different. Not like Planet Earth.


Sunra emacs is an attempt to make a light, fast-loading .emacs.d . It leverages the functionality in John Wiegley's use-package.

Just git clone (or download) this repo, to your ~/.emacs.d directory. With that, initial use will download all necessary packages. Afterwards, emacs loading should be fast (aiming for under 2 seconds).


  • emacs 24+
  • package.el (bundled with emacs 24)
  • clojure's cider package requires [cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.0-SNAPSHOT"] in .lein/profiles


Command Group Binding
Move C-c m
Transpose C-c t r
Goto C-c G
Window C-c w
Projectile C-c P main
C-c O other
Smartparens C-c S
C-c S / a
C-c S / da
C-c S / df
C-c S / db
Multiplecursors C-c M
Iedit C-c ;
Yasnippet C-c Y
Helm \\ inlined
Ivy C-c i
Navigation Binding
crux-move-beginning-of-line C-a
buf-move-up M-U
buf-move-down M-D
crux-smart-open-line-above C-x M-o
crux-smart-open-line C-x o
sp-kill-sexp C-d
copy-sexp-at-point C-M-k
search-symbol-at-point C-x M-x
search project (helm-ag) C-/
grep-find C-x C-g
magit-status C-x C-m
ace-select-window M-[
ace-swap-window C-c M-p
ace-delete-window C-x M-p
browse-kill-ring M-y
delete-whitespace-except-one M-SPC
scroll-other-window-down C-M-[
scroll-other-window C-M-]
expand-region M-h
contract-region C-M-h
Other Binding
projectile-replace C-,
projectile-replace-regexp C-M-,
crux-kill-other-buffers C-
crux-rename-buffer-and-file C-<
crux-delete-buffer-and-file C->
Clojure Binding
clj-refactor C-c C-b hh
cheatsheet C-c C-h


  • Themes (on desktop vs terminal)
  • Zenburn
  • Cyberpunk (current)
  • Solarized
  • Documentation for All Modes:
  • User Localization (~/.sunra.d/)
  • Navigation