SynthQuencer is a sequencer that is easy to use and does not require the user to have any knowledge of coding or music, just press some buttons and see what happens!
SynthQuencer is not finished yet, but I doubt it will ever be! Maybe the development will slow down or even stop. That might be because I can't think of newer features! If you want to help it start up again, consider opening a issue with an feature request or a bug report!
I'm currently in the process of rewriting the entire app, so stay tuned for updates!
I got stuck rewriting this, so I'm starting over from scratch. Again. This time I'll be limiting the scope quite a bit! So hopefully I will suceed this time!
I got a few things om my mind that I want to do and make possible with the rewrite:
I want this to have a modular structure. What this will mean is that the synthesizer will have an input, not a combined thing. The inputs can be of any type, for example the sequencer and a midi controller. I'm even thinking about a really creative and fun-to-use input instrument, that will remain a secret for now though...
What this doesn't mean is that the synthesizer will be a modular synthesizer. This is exactly where I was stuck before. To start off, the synth itself will be fairly simple, nothing more than it is now.
I also want to be implement a pattern system. This enables users to use it more like a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) than just a sequencer. I don't know if I'll implement this right away, but it'll come soon(TM).
This will be inspired by Ableton Live. Because that's what I'm using and I like it.
Synthesizers are hard. They're hard to use, hard to learn, hard to make. I want to make it easier for people to use them. Therefor I'm aiming to keep all the fancy pants and advanced stuff out of the way. Implemented and available, just behind a button. This will hopefully scare less people away.
If you want to know more about how to use SynthQuencer, please take a look at our wiki!
Version: V3.2.0
The releases can be found in the Release section on GitHub. A collection of release files can be found here.
The website always has the latest release not the latest commit on the master branch. If you want to check precisely which version is published, please check the publish branch or the differences between publish and main