
Docker and Kubernetes assets for running SolarWinds Snap Agent

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Docker and Kubernetes assets for running SolarWinds Snap Agent

Table of contents


Use the containerized SolarWinds Snap Agent to monitor Docker or Kubernetes environments. Monitor Kubernetes cluster and application health. Aggregate metrics across clusters distributed across multiple data centers and cloud providers. Track pods, deployments, services and more with Kubernetes-integrated service discovery.

Kubernetes assets:

  • Deployment - A single pod to talk to the Kubernetes API to send Kubernetes specific metrics to AppOptics.
  • DaemonSet - A DaemonSet that runs a pod on every node in your cluster and publishes HostAgent and Docker metrics to AppOptics.

A typical cluster will utilize both the Deployment and DaemonSet assets.

Alternatively, you can deploy the containerized agent in a sidecar to run the other AppOptics Integrations and monitor your Kubernetes applications running in the same Pod.


Kubernetes assests available in this repository expect a solarwinds-token secret to exist. To create this secret run:

kubectl create secret generic solarwinds-token -n kube-system --from-literal=SOLARWINDS_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH TOKEN>
  • (Optional) If you wish to use Logs Collector/Forwarder functionality from SolarWinds Snap Agent and your token for Loggly or Papertrail is different than your SolarWinds token, please create new Kubernetes secrets, depending on a needs. If these tokens are the same, there is no need to perform this step - in that case SOLARWINDS_TOKEN, will be used by Loggly and Papertrail Publisher plugins.
# setting for loggly-http, loggly-http-bulk, loggly-syslog Logs Publishers
kubectl create secret generic loggly-token -n kube-system --from-literal=LOGGLY_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH LOGGLY TOKEN>

# setting for swi-logs-http-bulk, swi-logs-http Logs Publishers
kubectl create secret generic papertrail-token -n kube-system --from-literal=PAPERTRAIL_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH PAPERTRAIL TOKEN>

# setting for papertrail-syslog publisher
kubectl create secret generic papertrail-publisher-settings -n kube-system --from-literal=PAPERTRAIL_HOST=<REPLACE WITH PAPERTRAIL HOST> --from-literal=PAPERTRAIL_PORT=<REPLACE WITH PAPERTRAIL PORT>


By default, RBAC is enabled in the deploy manifests. If you are not using RBAC you can deploy swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml removing the reference to the Service Account.

In the configMapGenerator section of kustomization.yaml>, you can configure which plugins should be run by setting SWISNAP_ENABLE_<plugin_name> to either true or false. Plugins turned on via environment variables are using default configuration and taskfiles. To see list of plugins currently supported this way please refer to: Environment Parameters.

After configuring deployment to your needs (please refer to Configuration and ensuring that solarwinds-token secret was already created run:

kubectl apply -k ./deploy/overlays/stable/deployment

Finally, check if the deployment is running properly:

kubectl get deployment swisnap-agent-k8s -n kube-system

Enable the Kubernetes plugin in the AppOptics UI and you should start seeing data trickle in.


The DaemonSet, by default, will give you insight into containers running within its nodes and gather system, processes and container-related metrics. To deploy the DaemonSet to Kubernetes verify you have an solarwinds-token secret already created and run:

kubectl apply -k ./deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset

Starting from version 4.5.0-* the default monitored container engine is containerd. Enable the CRI plugin in the AppOptics UI and you should start seeing data trickle in.

To fallback to the docker plugin and docker-based metrics please do the following configuration changes:

diff --git a/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/kustomization.yaml b/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/kustomization.yaml
index c70cd3a..721e56c 100644
--- a/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/kustomization.yaml
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ configMapGenerator:
   - name: swisnap-host-configmap
     behavior: merge
-      - SWISNAP_ENABLE_CRI=true
+      - SWISNAP_ENABLE_CRI=false

diff --git a/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/patch-containers-engine.yaml b/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/patch-containers-engine.yaml
index 7906acb..ed862b4 100644
--- a/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/patch-containers-engine.yaml
+++ b/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/patch-containers-engine.yaml
@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ spec:
       - name: swisnap-agent-ds
           ## Docker plugin
-          # - name: docker-sock
-          #   mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
+          - name: docker-sock
+            mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
           ## CRI plugin options
-          - name: containerd-sock
-            mountPath: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
+          # - name: containerd-sock
+          #   mountPath: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
           # - name: dockershim-sock
           #   mountPath: /var/run/dockershim.sock
           # - name: crio-sock
           #   mountPath: /run/crio/crio.sock
         ## Docker plugin
-        # - name: docker-sock
-        #   hostPath:
-        #     path: /var/run/docker.sock
-        ## CRI plugin options
-        - name: containerd-sock
+        - name: docker-sock
-            path: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
+            path: /var/run/docker.sock
+        ## CRI plugin options
+        # - name: containerd-sock
+        #   hostPath:
+        #     path: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
         # - name: dockershim-sock
         #   hostPath:
         #     path: /var/run/dockershim.sock



If you wanted to run containerized SolarWinds Snap Agent with custom taskfiles, you can use following snippets:

docker run -d -e SOLARWINDS_TOKEN=token \
           -v my_custom_statsd.yaml:/opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/plugins.d/statsd.yaml \
           --name swisnap-agent \

or using docker-compose:

version: '3'
    image: solarwinds/solarwinds-snap-agent-docker:latest
    hostname: swisnap-agent
    container_name: swisnap-agent
      - /path/to/my_custom_statsd.yaml:/opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/plugins.d/statsd.yaml
      - SOLARWINDS_TOKEN=token


If you wanted to run this on Kubernetes as a sidecar for monitoring specific services, you can follow the instructions below, which use Apache Server as an example. In this setup, the agent will monitor only services running in particular pod(s), not Kubernetes itself.

  • Useful when you want to monitor only specific per-pod-services
  • Configuration is similar to pod setup
  • In order to monitor specific services only, the kubernetes and aosystem plugins should be disabled by setting SWISNAP_ENABLE_KUBERNETES to false and SWISNAP_DISABLE_HOSTAGENT to true in swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml

In order to monitor Apache with the agent in a sidecar, add a second container to your deployment YAML underneath spec.template.spec.containers and the agent should now have access to your service over localhost (notice SWISNAP_ENABLE_APACHE):

Note: Containers inside the same pod can communicate through localhost, so there's no need to pass a static IP - Resource sharing and communication

        - name: apache
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            image: '<your-image>'
            - containerPort: 80
        - name: swisnap-agent-ds
            image: 'solarwinds/solarwinds-snap-agent-docker:latest'
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: SOLARWINDS_TOKEN
                value: 'SOLARWINDS_TOKEN'
            - name: APPOPTICS_HOSTNAME
                    fieldPath: spec.nodeName
            - name: SWISNAP_ENABLE_DOCKER
                value: 'false'
            - name: SWISNAP_ENABLE_APACHE
                value: 'true'
                value: 'true'
            - name: HOST_PROC
                value: '/host/proc'

In the example above, the sidecar will run only the Apache plugin. Additionally, if the default Apache Plugin configuration is not sufficient, custom one should be passed to pod running SolarWinds Snap Agent - Configuration.


Enabling Docker Logs collector from Kubernetes nodes

In this configuration SolarWinds Snap Agent DaemonSet will gather Docker logs from underlying node and publish them to Loggly (in addition to gathering HostAgent and Docker metrics to AppOptics). In current setting it will gather all logs from container named "nginx" This option is disabled by default, it has to be turned on to start working.

  • Create solarwinds-token secret in your cluster. To create it run:

    kubectl create secret generic solarwinds-token -n kube-system --from-literal=SOLARWINDS_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH TOKEN>
  • (Optional step) If your token for Loggly is different than your SolarWinds token, please create new Kubernetes secret. If the tokens are the same, there is no need to perform this step - in that case SOLARWINDS_TOKEN, will be used by Loggly Publisher plugin.

    kubectl create secret generic loggly-token -n kube-system --from-literal=LOGGLY_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH LOGGLY TOKEN>
  • Set SWISNAP_ENABLE_DOCKER_LOGS to true and SWISNAP_DOCKER_LOGS_CONTAINER_NAMES to desired container names in stable overlay for DaemonSet kustomization.yaml.

    --- a/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/kustomization.yaml
    +++ b/deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset/kustomization.yaml
    @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ configMapGenerator:
       - name: swisnap-host-configmap
         behavior: merge
    +      - SWISNAP_DOCKER_LOGS_CONTAINER_NAMES="nginx apache"
       - name: solarwinds/solarwinds-snap-agent-docker
  • Create DaemonSet in your cluster.

    kubectl apply -k ./deploy/overlays/stable/daemonset
  • After a while you should start seeing Docker logs lines in your Loggly organization.

If you would like to use different Loggly endpoint, or use Papertrail enpoints, there will be a need to setup up custom task configuration, as described in Custom plugins configuration and tasks manifests

Custom plugins configuration and tasks manifests

SolarWinds Snap Agent image is using default plugins configuration files and tasks manifests. In order to use your own configuration you would have to create Kubernetes configMap. Depending on version of the plugin there will be a need to create either task manifest and plugin config (Plugins v1), or task configuration in case of Plugins v2.

Plugins v1

In this example we'll set up two configMaps, one for SolarWinds Snap Agent Kubernetes plugin config and second one for corresponding task.

# create plugin configMap and task manifest for Plugin v1
kubectl create configmap kubernetes-plugin-config --from-file=/path/to/my/plugins.d/kubernetes.yaml --namespace=kube-system
kubectl create configmap kubernetes-task-manifest --from-file=/path/to/my/tasks.d/task-aokubernetes.yaml --namespace=kube-system

# check if everything is fine
kubectl describe configmaps --namespace=kube-system kubernetes-task-manifest kubernetes-plugin-config

ConfigMaps should be attached to SolarWinds Snap Agent deployment. Here's the example, notice spec.template.spec.containers.volumeMounts and spec.template.spec.volumes:

diff --git a/deploy/base/deployment/kustomization.yaml b/deploy/base/deployment/kustomization.yaml
index 79e0110..000a108 100644
--- a/deploy/base/deployment/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/deploy/base/deployment/kustomization.yaml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ configMapGenerator:
diff --git a/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml b/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml
index 294c4b4..babff7d 100644
--- a/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml
+++ b/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ spec:
             - configMapRef:
                 name: swisnap-k8s-configmap
+            - name: kubernetes-plugin-vol
+              mountPath: /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/plugins.d/kubernetes.yaml
+              subPath: kubernetes.yaml
+            - name: kubernetes-task-vol
+              mountPath: /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/tasks.d/task-aokubernetes.yaml
+              subPath: task-aokubernetes.yaml
             - name: proc
               mountPath: /host/proc
               readOnly: true
@@ -56,6 +62,18 @@ spec:
               cpu: 100m
               memory: 256Mi
+        - name: kubernetes-plugin-vol
+          configMap:
+            name: kubernetes-plugin-config
+            items:
+              - key: kubernetes.yaml
+                path: kubernetes.yaml
+        - name: kubernetes-task-vol
+          configMap:
+            name: kubernetes-task-manifest
+            items:
+              - key: task-aokubernetes.yaml
+                path: task-aokubernetes.yaml
         - name: proc
             path: /proc

Notice that we're not utilizing Environment Parameters to turn on Kubernetes plugin. When you're attaching taskfiles and plugin configuration files through configMaps, there's no need to set environment variables SWISNAP_ENABLE_<plugin-name>. SolarWinds Snap Agent will automatically load plugins based on files stored in configMaps.

Plugins v2

In this example we'll set up one configMaps, for SolarWinds Snap Agent Kubernetes Logs Collector/Forwarder task configuration.

# create task configuration configMap  for Plugin v2
kubectl create configmap logs-task-config --from-file=/path/to/my/task-autoload.d/task-logs-k8s-events.yaml --namespace=kube-system

ConfigMaps should be attached to SolarWinds Snap Agent deployment. Here's the example, notice spec.template.spec.containers.volumeMounts and spec.template.spec.volumes:

diff --git a/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml b/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml
index 294c4b4..babff7d 100644
--- a/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml
+++ b/deploy/base/deployment/swisnap-agent-deployment.yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ spec:
             - configMapRef:
                 name: swisnap-k8s-configmap
+            - name: logs-task-vol
+              mountPath: /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/tasks-autoload.d/task-logs-k8s-events.yaml
+              subPath: task-logs-k8s-events.yaml
             - name: proc
               mountPath: /host/proc
               readOnly: true
@@ -56,6 +62,18 @@ spec:
               cpu: 100m
               memory: 256Mi
+        - name: logs-task-vol
+          configMap:
+            name: logs-task-config 
+            items:
+              - key: task-logs-k8s-events.yaml
+                path: task-logs-k8s-events.yaml
         - name: proc
             path: /proc

Notice that we're not utilizing Environment Parameters to turn on Logs plugin. When you're attaching task configuration files through configMaps, there's no need to set environment variables SWISNAP_ENABLE_<plugin-name>. SolarWinds Snap Agent will automatically load tasks based on files stored in configMaps and mounted to /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/tasks-autoload.d/ in container.

Environment Parameters

The following environment parameters are available:

Parameter Description
APPOPTICS_CUSTOM_TAGS Set this to a comma separated K=V list to enable custom tags eg. NAME=TEST,IS_PRODUCTION=false,VERSION=5
SOLARWINDS_TOKEN Your SolarWinds token. This parameter is required.
APPOPTICS_TOKEN Depreciated. Your SolarWinds token. This parameter is used as fallback if SOLARWINDS_TOKEN is not present.
LOGGLY_TOKEN Optional. Use this when your Loggly token differs from Your SolarWinds token. If set, this will be used for tasks using Loggly Publishers (loggly-syslog, loggly-http-bulk, loggly-http).
PAPERTRAIL_TOKEN Optional. Use this when your Papertrail token differs from Your SolarWinds token. If set, this will be used for tasks using Papertrail Publishers (swi-logs-http, swi-logs-http-bulk).
PAPERTAIL_HOST Optional. Use this when you intend to use papertrail-syslog publisher. Change this to your Papertrail host.
PAPERTRAIL_PORT Optional. Use this when you intend to use papertrail-syslog publisher. Change this to your Papertrail port.
APPOPTICS_HOSTNAME This value overrides the hostname tagged for default host metrics. The DaemonSet uses this to override with Node name.
LOG_LEVEL Expected value: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or FATAL. Default value is WARN.
LOG_PATH Set this value to enable SolarWinds Snap Agent logging to file. Default logs are printed to stdout for SolarWinds Snap Agent running in Docker container. Overriding this option disable reading Snap Agent log using docker logs, or kubectl logs.
SWISNAP_SECURE Set this to true to run only signed plugins. Turned on by default for Kubernetes assets.
SWISNAP_DISABLE_HOSTAGENT Set this to true to disable the SolarWinds Snap Agent system metrics collection.
SWISNAP_DISABLE_PROCESSES Set this to true to disable the SolarWinds Snap Agent processes metrics collection.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_DOCKER Set this to true to enable the Docker plugin. This requires Docker socket mounted inside container (done by default in DaemonSet).
SWISNAP_ENABLE_DOCKER_LOGS Set this to true to enable Logs collector task for gathering Docker logs. If set to true, setting SWISNAP_DOCKER_LOGS_CONTAINER_NAMES var is mandatory. This also requires Docker socket mounted inside container (done by default in DaemonSet).
SWISNAP_DOCKER_LOGS_CONTAINER_NAMES Space separated list of container names, for which log colelctor/forwarder should be set.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_APACHE Set this to true to enable the Apache plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
SWISNAP_ENABLE_ELASTICSEARCH Set this to true to enable the Elasticsearch plugin.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_HAPROXY Set this to true to enable the HAProxy plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
SWISNAP_ENABLE_KUBERNETES Set this to true to enable the Kubernetes plugin. Enabling this option on the DaemonSet will cause replication of Kubernetes metrics where the replication count is the number of pods with Kubernetes collection enabled minus one. Typically Kubernetes collection is only enabled on the Deployment asset.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_KUBERNETES_LOGS Set this to true to enable the default Kubernetes logs collector/forwarder. To enable this proper RBAC role have to be set (done for Deployment from this repo).
SWISNAP_ENABLE_NGINX Set this to true to enable the Nginx plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
NGINX_STATUS_URI - one, or multiple space-separeted link(s) to Nginx stub_status URI.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_NGINX_PLUS Set this to true to enable the Nginx Plus plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
NGINX_PLUS_STATUS_URI - one, or multiple space-separeted link(s) to ngx_http_status_module or status URI.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_NGINX_PLUS_API Set this to true to enable the Nginx Plus Api plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
NGINX_PLUS_STATUS_URI - one, or multiple space-separeted link(s) to Nginx API URI.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_MESOS Set this to true to enable the Mesos plugin.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_MONGODB Set this to true to enable the MongoDB plugin.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_MYSQL Set this to true to enable the MySQL plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
SWISNAP_ENABLE_ORACLEDB Set this to true to enable the OracleDB plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
SWISNAP_ENABLE_PROMETHEUS Set this to true to enable the Prometheus pod annotation scrapping
SWISNAP_ENABLE_POSTGRESQL Set this to true to enable the Postgres plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
POSTGRES_ADDRESS - specify address for Postgres databse
SWISNAP_ENABLE_RABBITMQ Set this to true to enable the RabbitMQ plugin.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_REDIS Set this to true to enable the Redis plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
REDIS_SERVERS - one, or multiple space-separeted link(s) to Redis servers
SWISNAP_ENABLE_SOCKET_LISTENER Set this to true to enable the Socket Listener plugin. If enabled the following ENV vars are required to be set:
SOCKET_LISTENER_FORMAT - Data format to consume: "collectd", "graphite", "influx", "json", or "value".
SWISNAP_ENABLE_STATSD Set this to true to enable the Statsd plugin.
SWISNAP_ENABLE_ZOOKEEPER Set this to true to enable the Zookeeper plugin.

If you use SWISNAP_ENABLE_<plugin_name> set to true, then keep in mind that SolarWinds Snap Agent will use default plugins configs and task manifests. For custom configuration see Custom plugins configuration and tasks manifests.

Integrating Kubernetes Cluster Events Collection with Loggly/Papertrail

This documentaton can be also found in Documentation for SolarWinds webpage.

Starting from SolarWinds Snap Agent release 4.1.0 allows you to collect cluster events and push them to Loggly using embedded logs collector under the hood. There are two different ways to enable this functionality - one with enabling default forwarder for Snap Deployment, in which there will be monitored Normal events in default namespace Instructions. The second option is more advanced and require create corresponding configmaps in your cluster, with proper task configuration. This way allows you to manually edit this configuration, with option to modify both desired event filters, monitored Kubernetes namespace and to select desired publisher Instruction.

Enabling default Kubernetes log forwarder

  • Create Kubernetes secret for SOLARWINDS_TOKEN:

    kubectl create secret generic solarwinds-token -n kube-system --from-literal=SOLARWINDS_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH TOKEN>
  • (Optional step) If your token for Loggly is different than your SolarWinds token, please create new Kubernetes secret. If the tokens are the same, there is no need to perform this step - in that case SOLARWINDS_TOKEN, will be used by Loggly Publisher plugin.

    kubectl create secret generic loggly-token -n kube-system --from-literal=LOGGLY_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH LOGGLY TOKEN>
  • Edit kustomisation.yaml for Snap Agent Deployment and set SWISNAP_ENABLE_KUBERNETES_LOGS parameter to true

    index 8b5d94b..f3aac10 100644
    --- a/deploy/overlays/stable/deployment/kustomization.yaml
    +++ b/deploy/overlays/stable/deployment/kustomization.yaml
    @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ configMapGenerator:
       - name: swisnap-k8s-configma 
         behavior: merge
       - name: solarwinds/solarwinds-snap-agent-docker
  • Create Snap Agent Deployment (it will automatically create corresponding ServiceAccount):

    kubectl apply -k ./deploy/overlays/stable/events-collector/
  • Watch your cluster events in Loggly.

Advanced configuration for Kuberetes log forwarder with custom task configuration

To utilize this functionality there is a need to create corresponding configmaps in your cluster, with proper task configuration. The example config file can be found in Event collector configs. To enable event collector in your deployment, follow below steps:

  • Create Kubernetes secret for SOLARWINDS_TOKEN:

    kubectl create secret generic solarwinds-token -n kube-system --from-literal=SOLARWINDS_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH TOKEN>
  • (Optional) If you wish to use Logs Collector/Forwarder functionality from SolarWinds Snap Agent and your token for Loggly or Papertrail is different than your SolarWinds token, please create new Kubernetes secrets, depending on a needs. Note: If these tokens are the same, there is no need to perform this step - in that case SOLARWINDS_TOKEN, will be used by Loggly and Papertrail Publisher plugins.

    # setting for loggly-http, loggly-http-bulk, loggly-syslog Logs Publishers
    kubectl create secret generic loggly-token -n kube-system --from-literal=LOGGLY_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH LOGGLY TOKEN>
    # setting for swi-logs-http-bulk, swi-logs-http Logs Publishers 
    kubectl create secret generic papertrail-token -n kube-system --from-literal=PAPERTRAIL_TOKEN=<REPLACE WITH PAPERTRAIL TOKEN>
    # setting for papertrail-syslog publisher
    kubectl create secret generic papertrail-publisher-settings -n kube-system --from-literal=PAPERTRAIL_HOST=<REPLACE WITH PAPERTRAIL HOST> --from-literal=PAPERTRAIL_PORT=<REPLACE WITH PAPERTRAIL PORT>
  • task-logs-k8s-events.yaml file configures the Kubernetes Events Log task. This config contains plugins.config.filters field with specified filter. With this example filter event collector will watch for Normal events in default namespace. Depending on your needs, you can modify this filter to monitor other event types, or other namespaces.

    version: 2
      type: streaming
      - plugin_name: k8s-events
          incluster: true
          - namespace: default
            watch_only: true
              fieldSelector: "type==Normal"
          #- namespace: kube-system
          #  watch_only: true
          #  options:
          #    fieldSelector: "type==Warning"
        #  /k8s-events/[namespace=my_namespace]/string_line:
        #    sometag: somevalue
          - plugin_name: loggly-http-bulk # this could be set to any other Logs Publisher
  • Once Kubernetes Events Log task configuration is in desired state, create corresponding configmaps:

    kubectl create configmap task-autoload --from-file=./examples/event-collector-configs/task-logs-k8s-events.yaml --namespace=kube-system
    kubectl describe configmaps -n kube-system task-autoload
  • Create Events Collector Deployment (it will automatically create corresponding ServiceAccount):

    kubectl apply -k ./deploy/overlays/stable/events-collector/
  • Watch your cluster events in Loggly, or Papertrail.


Successful deployments will report metrics in the AppOptics Kubernetes Dashboard.