
Starting one a web interface for Newbie Mixes. Who knows if I'll actually finish it.

Primary LanguagePython


Starting one a web interface for Newbie Mixes. Who knows if I'll actually finish it.

The Basic Idea

So a while back, giffy and whoever else (schwan?) was heading up the mixes talked briefly with me about making a website for them. I told them I'd work on it when I had free time and then did what I also do and let it slip away (I'd been trying to integrate it with an existing project I had, which wasn't going well.)

Fast forward to today and the mixes are starting back up; I'd like to help.


Easy-to-use web-based interface for users. Sign inthrough steam, pick a class, and get going.

Coaches are in control: games can only be started by a pair of coaches (one for each team). One will start a game, and invite any other online coach to participate. Once they're both in the lobby, it'll open up for anybody else to join.

Ratings + Feedback: What's the point of having coaches if they only participate in game? After a mix, coaches will be able to tell participants what they did well and what they should work on (via a simple system I guess? +/- feedback on different aspects per class; rocket jumps, demo positioning, time spent controlling the flank [and subsequently the world], and healing order all come to mind right away). Players could also maybe rate the game, either how effective their coach was (anonymously), how cooperative teammates were, how much they learned, etc.

No stats: Partially due to laziness, but mostly due to the lack of necessity, I don't think having detailed statistics is a good idea. This would encourage people to play for themselves and try to go for better stats, which doesn't really foster learning (though it does foster improvement). My thinking is to leave the stats for people who don't need to learn the basics, otherwise they'd just focus on K/D.

In game plugin? I know Vincenator (I think it was him?) had been working on a server side plugin for pubcomp that had a lot of useful features, perhaps that should be developed and tailored for this site.


More to come maybe.