
Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


This is a development version of the next iteration of cooked-validators, with full support of Plutus V2 features. Refer to version 1.0.0 for the latest stable version, which only supports Plutus V1.

Tweag Plutus Libraries

This repository contains our collection of the libraries for developing and auditing Plutus contracts. These libraries are a research prototype under active development, they come as is with no guarantees whatsoever. Check the license for details.


The rendered Haddock for the current main branch can be found at https://tweag.github.io/plutus-libs/



  • Used for writing the first layer of off-chain code: generating and submitting transactions.
  • Enables property-based testing of Plutus contracts with no code duplication.
  • Interacts seamlessly with Plutus Contract monad.
  • Supports loading arbitrary UPLC contracts from bytestrings for testing.


  • Example contracts and their test suites written using cooked-validators