
Statistical Inference Course

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MATH350 (Statistical Inference)

Course Name: Statistical Inference (SI) and Simulations

Participants: BSc Mathematics and Data Science students of Sorbonne University

Faculty Name: Dr. Tanujit Chakraborty

Timeline: September 2023 to November 2023 | Sessions: 60 Sessions

Email: tanujit.chakraborty@sorbonne.ae

Course Webpage: https://www.ctanujit.org/si.html

Disclaimer: These notes closely follow the material in the textbooks cited in the documents and several publicly available online materials, including courses from Stanford University, UCL, IITK, and IIMI, with some additions by the author. Below, I provide a non-exhaustive reference list. These notes should not be distributed or used for commercial purposes.

Main References:

[1] Rice, John A. Mathematical statistics and data analysis. Cengage Learning, 2006. (Download Link: https://korivernon.com/documents/MathematicalStatisticsandDataAnalysis3ed.pdf)

[2] Course Notes of Stanford University: https://web.stanford.edu/class/stats200/lectures.html

[3] Course Notes of UCL: https://github.com/FJRubio67/StatisticalInference

[4] Course Notes of IITK: https://dvats.github.io/teaching/MTH210.html

[5] Course Notes of IIMI: https://sites.google.com/site/sayantaniimi/teaching/intro-prob-stat-2022