
Drop-in replacement for os/user in Go

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luser is a drop-in replacement for os/user which allows you to lookup users and groups in cross-compiled builds without cgo.


os/user requires cgo to lookup users using the target OS's API. This is the most reliable way to look up user and group information. However, cross-compiling means that os/user will only work for the OS you're using. user.Current() is usable when building without cgo, but doesn't always work. The $USER and $HOME variables could be different from what you expect or not even exist.

If you want to cross-compile a relatively simple program that needs to write a config file somewhere in the user's directory, the last thing you want to do is figure out some elaborate build scheme involving virtual machines.


luser has the same API as os/user. You should be able to just replace user. with luser. in your files and let goimports do the rest. The returned *User and *Group types will have an IsLuser field indicating whether or not a fallback method was used.


Install the package with:

$ go get github.com/tweekmonster/luser

A sample program called luser can be installed if you want to see the fallback results on your platform:

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go install github.com/tweekmonster/luser/cmd/luser
$ luser -c
$ luser username
$ luser 1000

Fallback lookup methods

os/user functions are used when built with cgo. Otherwise, it falls back to one of the following lookup methods:

Method Used for
/etc/passwd Parsed to lookup user information. (Unix, Linux)
/etc/group Parsed to lookup group information. (Unix, Linux)
getent Optional. Find user/group information. (Unix, Linux)
dscacheutil Lookup user/group information via Directory Services. (Darwin)
id Finding a user's groups when using GroupIds().

Note: Windows should always work regardless of the build platform since it uses syscall instead of cgo.


  • luser.User and luser.Group are new types. The underlying user.* types are embedded, however (e.g. u.User).
  • The lookup methods use exec.Command() and will be noticeably slower if you're looking up users and groups a lot.
  • Group-releated functions will only be available when compiling with Go 1.7+.